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Why are a vast majority choosing Botox as their aesthetic procedure over many other therapies out there? That’s because, for one, Botox treatment is nonsurgical. There’s less risk involved, and this treatment is backed by over 15 years of clinical studies as one of the safest treatments, as recorded in 495 medical and scientific articles.
Our primary focus here is to talk to you about what not to do after Botox. We want you to enjoy the optimal result treatment longer. So, shall we?
What is Botox Facial Treatment?
Botox is a quick and safe cosmetic procedure that has become quite prevalent around the world. It’s one of the best-rated products for addressing wrinkles, crow’s feet, flaring nostrils, frown lines on the forehead, eyebrow lift, and much more. A doctor administers some tiny needles to relax the excessive movement of the muscles that lead to wrinkles.
It can also combine Microneedling with topical serums to deliver customized solutions into the epidermis for optimal results. And this allows Botox to tighten the skin without freezing it.
Most people look at Botox as a preventative procedure, while others use it for restoration. Botox’s active ingredient freezes the facial muscles preventing them from contracting and deepening the lines or wrinkles.
What Not to Do after Botox
If you want to allow your Botox treatment to work for you optimally in the target muscles, it’s super-crucial to follow the below FIVE what not to do after Botox precautions:
Sleeping on your Back
Most Botox experts recommend avoiding sleeping horizontally for four hours following your Botox treatment. Doing this allows the medicine to settle appropriately within your body. And a few days following your treatment, sleep on your back to get the best results. Generally, you should avoid pressuring the injected area or sleeping on your front for at least four hours.
Avoid Rubbing the Treated Area
What not to do after Botox: Rubbing or massaging the treated area in the next 24 hours. That also means avoiding cosmetic peels or any facial therapy not to interfere with the Botox treatment. If you must wash the face, please do so lightly.
Painkillers/Blood Thinners
When you consult your doctor before your Botox treatment, ensure to mention if you’re taking any blood thinners. You’ll have to stop at least 48hrs before the Botox injections and even after treatment. As their name suggests, they thin the blood, which may lead to excessive bleeding. Your doctor should advise you on when you can resume your intake.
Active Lifestyle
Are you wondering what not to do after Botox treatment if you’re an active person? First, avoid any strenuous activity right after a Botox treatment. Then, pause some of the exercises for a while, including weight training, long-distance walk, cross-training, and yoga with inverted body positions. But you could resume your regular practices after a couple of days. Most people prefer to wait for a week after this cosmetic treatment. But if you must do something, you can chill after four hours and do light activities such as gardening but not under the sun, walk, jog, and do yoga facing upwards.
Keep Off from the Heat
Any heat exposure of any type, including hot baths and saunas, shouldn’t be your friend after Botox treatment. Even when you go for a walk, do so when the weather is cool and calm. If you must face the sun, cover yourself and apply a cream with a high SPF.
Botox’s Common Side Effects
Generally, there are rare side effects from BOTOX® injections, as it consists of naturally purified protein. But every treatment must have some mild reactions. Everyone’s physiology is different from the other. But following a few rules of what not to do after Botox reduces the chance of side effects. Below is what a few people reported after Botox treatment:
Headache-while Botox allergies are infrequent; mild headache is one of the most common symptoms after treatment. But compared with Botox treatments performed, the number is relatively small. Nevertheless, your doctor should advise you on the right painkillers.
Bruising-after the treatment, the injected area may not look any different than it was before. But a few may have some minor bruising, which could take a week or more. It depends on an individual.
Bumps-these are normal after treatment, but they disappear very quickly.
NB: Since Botox may develop from 3-5 days up to 2-weeks, your doctor may at a point offer an appointment to check your progress and your aesthetic results. So, you might want to wait before taking that vacation until the doctor clears you.
Before you start flaunting your youthful, rejuvenated appearance, ensure to follow what not to do after Botox treatment. By the time you’re stepping out, you should look at your best and natural self until people will envy you.
In Conclusion, as the top priority for those taking Botox injection is to have that youthful beauty, following treatment gives excellent results. This treatment can be safe and smooth where a patient is using a licensed and experienced doctor. To achieve maximum success in this procedure, you can have a swift recovery by following what not to do after Botox treatment.
By Naman Modi
who is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at Beverly Hills. He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.
Member since April, 2019
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