fue hair transplant
  • Best FUE Hair Transplant for Hair Loss

  • Published By:
  • Category: Beauty Tips
  • Published Date: May 2, 2022
  • Modified Date: May 2, 2022
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: FUE Hair Transplant

Hair loss is a skin condition that causes hair to fall out or stop growing. Once it affects a person, it leaves bald patches on the scalp. There are various forms of hair loss, and it is advisable to seek a proper diagnosis before resorting to treatment. Hair loss may occur temporarily due to stress or hormonal imbalance. These kinds of hair loss may not need treatment as they often resolve themselves.

If you are suffering from hair loss, the good news is that you can use various treatment options. Hair loss such as male pattern baldness requires treatment such as hair transplant, medication, PRP for hair loss, or scalp micro-pigmentation. You first need to consult a dermatologist, who will conduct a few tests to determine what is causing the hair loss. In this post, we will look at the FUE hair transplant Los Angeles procedure and how it works in hair loss treatment.

What is FUE Hair Transplant Procedure?

FUE means follicular unit extraction. This hair restoration procedure is highly recommended because it produces a custom look that looks quite natural. It is also a good option because it is minimally invasive and doesn’t leave a linear scar after recovery. FUE hair transplant Los Angeles procedure is usually done to allow hair growth where hair follicles are dormant. It is often performed on patients with male or female pattern hair loss. This type of hair loss leads to baldness due to DHT.

When a person suffers from hair loss, hair follicles become weak or dormant. This means that they will stop producing hair or produce weak hair. In that case, healthy follicles have to replace dormant ones for hair to grow normally. This will require the FUE hair transplant Los Angeles procedure.

How Surgeons Perform FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular unit extraction offers the best option to restore hair. As a patient, you will first meet with your doctor to undergo tests to see if you are eligible for the FUE hair transplant procedure. Once the doctor establishes that you are a good candidate for the procedure, he schedules a date for the procedure. The doctor will shave both the donor and the recipient sites of the scalp. On the day of the procedure, the treatment area will need shaving first to make it easier to harvest hair.

Hair loss often develops at the front or on top of the scalp. The back and the sides of the head hardly undergo hair loss. That is where healthy hair follicles are harvested. Topical anesthesia is applied first before graft hair harvesting begins. This is done to stop or minimize pain and discomfort during the procedure. Once the area is numb, the surgeon will start harvesting individual hair follicles from the donor area. This is done using a micro-punch device, which cuts around each hair strand.

Once the surgeon harvests enough graft hairs, he will place them in a controlled environment to increase their survival rate. This gives him time to prepare the recipient area. Once the area is ready, graft hair transplantation will begin. The surgeon will place the grafted hair to grow the way the original hair is growing. This gives it a more natural look.

Downtime and Recovery

Since the FUE hair transplant Los Angeles procedure does not require scalpels, no incisions are necessary. This means that the downtime will be minimal. After the procedure, the doctor will release the patient to go home. It is an outpatient procedure and often takes a few hours to complete. It will take about 12 months to experience complete results.


The FUE hair transplant Los Angeles procedure produces custom and desirable results. That is why many patients prefer this procedure. Another great thing about the FUE hair transplant procedure is that it doesn’t leave a linear scar in the donor area, unlike the FUT hair transplant surgery. Once you have undergone the procedure, it will take a few days to recover and return to your normal routine.

Naman Modi

By Naman Modi
who is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at Beverly Hills. He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneurs launch their first successful online business.

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