beverly hills hair restoration
  • Several Technologies of Ideal Hair Restoration

  • Published By:
  • Category: Beauty Tips
  • Published Date: February 5, 2021
  • Modified Date: February 5, 2021
  • Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Beverly Hills Hair Restoration

When dealing with hair loss, it is frustrating when you can’t seem to find effective methods to get rid of the condition. Hair loss makes you feel unattractive and stigmatized in society. Most people think that hair loss is caused by poor health. This isn’t the case, as hair loss can affect anyone between 25 and 70. A lot of factors can lead to hair loss. One of them is genetics. If you are coming from a lineage with a baldness history, the chances are that you will have a bald head in the future.

Another common cause of hair loss is skin conditions. One of them is known as alopecia areata, and it affects both men and women. We also have male or female pattern baldness. Hair loss can also be due to burns and other injuries that have affected the scalp leaving the hair follicles dormant. Hairstyles such as regular braiding may also lead to hair loss in textured hair.

The good news is that there are several advanced hair loss treatments in the world today to help you restore your hair. These technologies vary in results depending on the extent of the area to be treated. Price also varies in different clinics and procedures.

In this article, we shall look at some of the best hair restoration technologies used in Beverly Hills Hair Restoration, one of the best hair loss treatment centers in Los Angeles, California. Read on to get more insights on which of these hair transplant Beverly Hills treatments will work best for you.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Perhaps one of the best treatments in Beverly Hills Hair Restoration to treat hair loss is called FUE. FUE means follicular unit extraction, and it is a great way to treat hair loss because it is minimally invasive. This means that it doesn’t need surgery or incisions while being performed. While performing the FUE hair transplant procedure, the donor will shave and remove hair follicles from the donor part of the scalp and implant them on the balding area replacing the dormant follicles with active ones.

The donor area is mostly found at the back of the scalp. Doctors prefer this side of the scalp because it has dense hair, and the chances of being affected by hair loss are quite minimal. Using FUE hair transplant treatment has many benefits. One of them is that the patient will heal first because the doctor uses a punching device to cut and remove individual hair follicles. There is no need to use scalps to cut and remove hair grafts like the FUSS technique.

FUSS Hair Transplantation

The FUSS procedure is another way to transplant hair. Follicular unit strip surgery works the same way as the FUE hair transplant procedure. The only difference is that the doctor performing this procedure removes all the follicles needed in the recipient area once. In FUE, hair follicles are removed one by one. Removing the hair graft using the FUSS hair transplant Beverly Hills method of hair transplantation increases hair follicles’ survival rate since they are not easily damaged.

Once the strip of scalp containing hair follicles is removed, it is transplanted to the balding area. The patient in the FUSS technique will have to wait for a longer time to heal than the FUE hair transplant Beverly Hills method, which only takes a few weeks to heal. FUSS also leaves a scar since a huge strip of scalp tissue is removed.

PRP for Hair Loss

Although PRP for hair loss is a relatively new approach in the hair restoration medical field, it was first introduced earlier to treat various sports injuries that affected the joints, tendons, muscles, and ligaments. PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Platelets are tiny cells found in the blood as a compound, red blood cells and white blood cells. They are responsible for cell regeneration, growth and healing during injuries.

In PRP for hair loss, doctors draw the patient’s blood and put it in a centrifuge machine for plasma extraction. The centrifuge machine spins the blood sample, rapidly forcing the blood to split into three compounds: the red blood cell, platelet-poor plasma, and platelet-rich plasma. Once the plasma rich in platelets is extracted, the doctor injects it into the patient’s scalp affected by hair loss. Platelet-rich plasma contains Growth Factors, which helps to stimulate and promote the growth of hair follicles.

Scalp Micro Pigmentation

Scalp Micro Pigmentation, or SMP, is another unique technique used at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration to create an illusion of dense hair. Although this hair restoration method doesn’t help grow hair, it makes the balding areas appear to have hair. Doctors do this using a powerful tattoo device that injects layers of black tattoo ink into the scalp. Once the procedure is done, areas with dormant hair follicles will appear to have dense hair. The best thing about this hair restoration method is that it doesn’t have any downtime or recovery time. This means that after the procedure, the patient can proceed with his or her normal routine.


Although hair loss is devastating, efforts are made by doctors from Beverly Hills Hair Restoration to provide and enhance hair loss treatments. These are some of the technologies used to restore hair at BHHR. The most effective hair restoration method is a hair transplant because it offers a permanent way to restore hair more naturally.

Naman Modi

By Naman Modi
who is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at Beverly Hills. He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

Member since April, 2019
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