tile cleaning
  • 7 Best Grout Cleaners to Make Your Tiles Look Brand New

  • Published By:
  • Category: Home Remodeling
  • Published Date: October 5, 2020
  • Modified Date: October 5, 2020
  • Reading Time: 6 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Tile Cleaning

Whenever you clean your home, the bathroom and kitchen tiles prove to be the most challenging. Many people claim that despite their efforts, they fail to prevent mold and mildew from taking hold, and the white grout fades to yellowish-brown or an unattractive black.

Cleaning experts swear by grout cleaners and say that nothing makes your tiles look better than commercial grout cleaners because they restore the colors of stained grout and make them look brand new.

There are a number of grout cleaners on the shelves of all grocery stores, which can help you out to clean the grout stains in no time. Given below is the list of the top seven grout cleaners, which would make your decision-making process easier for you.

Have a look;

1. Grout-Eez Super Heavy-Duty Grout Cleaner

On top of the list, I am listing one of the most in-demand grout cleaners, the Grout-EEZ Super Heavy-Duty Grout cleaner. It comes with a professional formula that cuts down the dirt at a quick speed. You can use it for tiles and porcelain, but do not ever try it on natural stone.

First, pour it on your tiles and let it sit for five minutes, and then clean it with a brush. Although it’s great for getting the dirt out, the fumes can be overwhelming. To keep yourself protected, always wear protective eye gear and cleaning gloves when you plan to use it. This grout cleaner comes with a great formula and works like magic for tiles, but it is a little expensive.

Market Price

One bottle of Grout-Eez would costs you around 23 Dollars. If you can afford it, this grout cleaner is the best option.

2. Bleach Cleaner Gel- Soft Touch

Next on the list is the Soft Touch grout cleaner. The Bleach Cleaner gel is considered as the best grout cleaner for large yet smooth and flat surfaces. You can use it on tiles, edges of the bathtub, sinks, and tops of the kitchen counters.

The bottle comes with a nozzle, which makes it easy for the user to splash it out when required. Put in on the grout lines, let it stay there for almost five minutes, and then rinse and clean. It is a strong formula so while using the bleach cleaner gel, be careful about your clothes. It can badly damage what you are wearing.

Market Price

The market price of this grout cleaner on the list is 6.99 Dollars.

3. 24 Hour Bathroom Cleaner

As the name indicates, you can use this grout cleaner for your bathroom. Unlike the first two options, the 24-hour bathroom cleaner is a milder formula and is less expensive as well. The best part of this grout cleaner is that it not only cleans the dirt, but it also kills the germs that reside on the surfaces of bathroom tiles for the next 24 hours after its use. It would work, no matter how many times you touch the surfaces. For best results, use it after every seven days to keep the mold from returning on the tiles.

Market Price

Its market price is 3.94 Dollars. Although it comes at a low price, its performance is excellent.

4. Krud Kutter

When it comes to the cleanliness of your kitchen tiles, nothing can work better than Krud Kutter. It is a degreaser; therefore, it cuts straight through the dirt and grease that builds up in the grout of your kitchen tiles. Although it does wonders for your kitchen, you can also use it for driveways, halls, and even your car or bike engines.

However, dilute it according to instructions on the packaging before using it on other surfaces. The market reviews say that people are very satisfied with the cleaning powers of this grout cleaner and also consider it best for kitchen grouts, as it does not come with a bad odor and is made of non-toxic materials.

Market Price

Its market price is only 5 Dollars, which makes it an irresistible option on the list.

5. TECH 128 Oz Grout Cleaner

This grout cleaner on the list promises to make your life tension free when it comes to the cleanliness of grouts and making your tiles brand new. It is simple to use. Pour it out on the grout, scrub and rinse. It does not leave any dirt behind. Customer reviews say that it is an odorless and environment-friendly grout cleaner. Commercial cleaners use TECH 128 as well; carpet cleaning Hertforshire, commercial cleaning companies, and residential cleaning companies swear by its efficacy.

Market Price

Its market price is 19 Dollars, which makes it more expensive than the other options on this list. However, users swear by it and say that it’s worth the price.

6. Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover Spray

Next on the list is the Tilex grout cleaner spray, which not only whitens the grout but also makes the surface germ free. Simply spray the surface with Tilex, leave it for five minutes, and rinse. However, the Tilex mold and mildew remover spray can produce more fumes and also discolor your clothes. So be careful while using it, and put on gloves.

Market Price

Its price is 3.9 Dollars, which makes Tilex one of the best budget-friendly options.

7. Bleach Pen

Last but not least, the Bleach Pen is another good option for cleaning grouts. It is a handy Clorox pen, which makes it easy to remove dirt from the tiles. Press the pen, and pour out a little amount of gel, now scrub with the built-in little brush and rise. The disadvantage is that you cannot use it for cleaning larger areas, but it works like a charm for small spaces.

Market price

You can buy it for 19.9 Dollars, which makes it an expensive choice.

Our Verdict

Cleaning the grouts is not easy at all, and it can be a struggling job. This becomes more hectic if you are working. Now what to do is pick the right kind of grout cleaner from the market. We are sure that the grout cleaners mentioned above have given you some excellent options.

Do share with us which grout cleaner worked best for you.

Shaheryar Sadiq

By Shaheryar Sadiq
who provides ghostwriting and copywriting services. His educational background in the technical field and business studies helps him in tackling topics ranging from career and business productivity to web development and digital marketing. He occasionally writes articles for Carpet Cleaning Stevenage.

Member since October, 2020
View all the articles of Shaheryar Sadiq.

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