mice control in toronto
  • 7 Suggestions for Homeowners for Mice Control in Toronto

  • Published By:
  • Category: Home Remodeling
  • Published Date: September 19, 2020
  • Modified Date: September 19, 2020
  • Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Mice Control in Toronto

Do you live in Toronto and use mouse traps to get rid of mice? Yes, mouse traps can catch and trap a mouse; however, you may not be using the mouse traps the right way. If you are not using the traps the right way then you are committing mistakes. In this post, we shall highlight the mistakes that you may be committing while catching the mouse through traps, and how you can make up for your mistakes. So if you are serious about mice control in Toronto to get rid of the mice from your home, then you should make the most of the following 7 strategies while making up for your 7 mistakes:

Mistake #1: You May Be Ruining the Bait

Make-Up #1 – Wear Gloves: Do you know: Mice in Toronto are very smart, and they can detect your scent on traps? If this happens, then the mice will stay away from your trap. So to avert this from happening, you should wear gloves while handling mouse trap bait and settling mouse traps. You can wear gloves that are used for preparing food, healthcare, and washing dishes. Make sure you wear gloves after you have caught a mouse to prevent yourself from a contagious disease.

Mistake #2: Choosing the Wrong Food

Make-Up #2 – Pick out the Right food: You should forget about the cartoons in which it is shown that mice are attracted to cheese. The rodents are nut and seed eaters, so the mouse trap bait the mice are usually attracted to is peanut butter or hazelnut spread. The mice also enjoy eating chocolates. So if you want to trap the mice quickly and effectively, then you must choose the right food.

Mistake #3: Drawing Too Much Bait

Make-Up #3 – Only, Deploy a Tiny Amount: If you load up mouse traps with loads of baits, then mice can steal some of it without getting caught in a trap. You should only use a pea-size amount of mouse trap bait; it will be enough to attract the mice.

Mistake #4: Anticipating Quick Results

Make-Up #4 – Make the Mice Comfy First: A mouse is one of the pests of Toronto who is very cautious of the novel objects in the areas where it moves. You can get used to of mouse movements by putting out baited but unset mouse traps for a few days no matter you are using classic snap mouse traps, electronic mouse traps, or live traps. If you see that the mice are taking the mouse trap bait, then it means you have found the right place to trap the mice. It is time you set the mouse traps for successful mice control in Toronto.

Mistake #5: Setting up the Trap in the Wrong Place

Make-Up #5 – Go for the Wall: It is a child’s play to put mouse traps in the wrong place. The mice are afraid of the open areas, so they will not like to travel there. To catch the mice, you should place the traps where they are active. It is suggested to you that you place the traps along the walls, as mice primarily travel through the walls. Also, make sure that the bait and trigger end of the mouse traps face the wall; so the mice will be lured to explore them rather than walk.

Note: If possible, you should place your mouse traps in concealed areas, such as the backs of cabinets or behind your stove.

Mistake #6: Using Only a Few Mouse Traps

Make-Up #6 – Place Too Many Mouse Traps Close Together: The mice reproduce very fast, as they can produce 6 to 7 babies in 21 days. So it may not be easier for you to realize how many mice you are dealing with. To avoid the invasion of mice, you will need more than a few mouse traps to take care of this problem promptly. One effective strategy is that you place mouse traps every 2 to 3 feet (ft) along the walls where you notice the activities of mice. So placing too many traps close together can aid you to get rid of the mice swiftly.

Mistake #7: Starting Slow

Make-Up #7 – Be Active from the First Night: Many studies show that mice in Toronto can be easily caught on the first night. So if you see the activities of mice in your home, then you should set the traps there to get rid of them. You should use many mouse traps and a few distinct types of mouse trap bait to make sure that you can deal with the mice from your first night without a hassle.


For effective mice control in Toronto, you will need to follow the 7 different strategies. You should wear gloves while dealing with mice in your home. You should pick the right food to trap the mice and use it in a small quantity. Furthermore, you should place the traps in the right place. Last but not least, utilize as many traps as possible to deal with the unfriendly pests, mice in your home.

Jackson Kevin

By Jackson Kevin
who has written this article. He writes about lifestyle and Health and he also writes a blog on pest control, in a health magazine. He’s a fanatic of all possessions science.

Member since September, 2020
View all the articles of Jackson Kevin.

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