motorbike safety
  • A Guide to Keeping Your Motorbike Safe

  • Published By:
  • Category: Automotive
  • Published Date: June 18, 2021
  • Modified Date: June 18, 2021
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Motorbike Safety

When you think about it, bike thieves are almost a constant in life. To begin within our youth, the pedal kind are notorious, then, once you get a bit older and get your first motorcycle, you’ll find there are plenty of prying eyes on your new purchase.

The thing is, the older you get, the more serious and financially damaging bike theft becomes. Motorcycles are often targeted by thieves, more so than cars, because of their comparative ease to steal and their typically high price tag – so protecting your bike from that threat is an absolute must.

But how do you go about that? Well, a lot of protection points boil down to being careful and using a bit of common sense, but it’s always a good idea to reconsider how best to keep your bike safe.

Cover the basics off

You know what they say about common sense – it isn’t all that common. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget the basic stuff that can help keep your bike safe, so here are some quick bullet points of all your security essentials:

  • Remove the keys when you’re not using the bike, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  • Invest in your lock(s). A quality lock is worth its weight in gold, and if you go cheap on a lock, you’re much more likely to find out it failed when tested. Choose a disc lock or chain lock – or both – and ensure your bike is secured against a firmly immovable object.
  • Consider a professionally fitted and insurance approved alarm system for your bike. This will not only deter criminals but also potentially reduce your insurance premiums.
  • Speaking of insurance, make sure you have comprehensive motorbike insurance from a reliable, specialist provider. Then, if the worst happens, you’re covered against the biggest damages.

Out of sight, out of mind

There’s a lot to be said for the value of keeping your bike out of the view of would-be thieves. Out of sight, out of mind is a very real concept when it comes to preventing bike theft.

Think about your parking options for your bike, particularly at night or whenever you’re going to be leaving it in one place for an extended period of time. Look for a well-lit, busy area that can offer you extra security blankets like CCTV or, if you’re parking your bike in a garage, make sure the building is properly secured.

If you’re using street parking in particular, think about investing in a cover for your bike. A cover means bike thieves have no idea what they’re looking at and will have a hard time accessing it. Plus, it’ll help protect your bike from the elements and potential damage, which is a rather nice bonus.

Choose your bike wisely

One thing you might not have thought of when it comes to protecting your bike is the choice of the bike itself. This is perhaps a contentious point of advice, as many bikers want to buy a bike they’re passionate about, but the hard truth behind that is a more desirable bike will naturally attract more criminal interest.

Thus, if you’re into your top-end sports bikes or vintage premium scooters, think carefully about the risk that comes attached with owning one and whether the area you live in and your personal setup would be a suitable environment. It might be far from an ideal solution, but, if you live in a high crime area, keeping hold of a less desirable bike might be better than losing a more popular one, at least until you’re in a better situation to protect your bike.

No rocket science here, people – just some simple but effective ways to keep your bike safe. Now, go forth and protect your bike.

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