stress among working women
  • A Working Woman Story With Mental Stress

  • Published By:
  • Category: Mental Stress
  • Published Date: September 18, 2020
  • Modified Date: September 18, 2020
  • Reading Time: 6 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Stress among Working Women

Everyone in this world experiences some form of work-related stress, but women face it more as compared to men since they’re usually managing a career and home life. There are a variety of reasons that add up to the psychological stresses and emotional distress that women face regularly. The notable societal pressures to always say “yes” and be attentive during social calls, the weight of looking after your family, and the drive to prove yourself and succeed in a male-dominant office culture are all contributing factors of mental stress.

In today’s fast-paced and overly competitive world, it’s hard to achieve a work-life balance for any individual. Women are the true champions in this scenario as they balance career, home life, and personal time. During this process, they often have little to no energy reserved for themselves, and this on-going cycle leads to fatigue, stress, and anxiety.

Understanding Psychological Well-Being

Women are expected to do everything without complaining, and unfortunately, that’s how most of us have been conditioned to live our lives. With the added pressure of day-to-day responsibilities, fighting sexist norms, and handling a career, women often neglect their mental health.

It’s important to understand that to succeed; we must prioritize our mental and psychological wellbeing. No human can perform better by putting their mental health at jeopardy. Every woman is going through her own share of struggles and obstacles.

Thus, it is the right of every woman on this planet to overcome their fears and struggles so that they can become the best version of themselves. No woman can overcome her anxiety by just avoiding it and thinking that it is not a big deal. This affects not only her mental wellbeing but also physical health.

Working Women And Quality Of Life

In a recent survey of the literature on stress and women, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Baruch discovered that women who are satisfied with their career paths are more immune to the stresses and troubles in their home life. It was also uncovered that women between the ages of 25 and 55 find problems related to household affairs more aggravating than those at work. You must have experienced it yourself – preparing a presentation for work isn’t as hard as dealing with a carpet cleaning crew in our home. Similarly, negotiating with clients is easier than appeasing your disgruntled children. This is because leading a successful career or pursuing something you’re passionate about gives them confidence.

What Are The Factors That Cause Their Mental Health To Deteriorate?

One of the main reasons for deteriorating mental health is that working women have to focus on their jobs as well as their personal life. This causes their mind to be overwhelmed by the numerous reminders and thoughts about different obligations. Such thoughts cause a person to remain in a constant feeling of anxiety and make the environment uncomfortable.

The load of responsibilities on their shoulders related to their professional and private life is immense. Their involvement in multiple roles often contributes to their deteriorating mental and psychological wellbeing.

Another important factor that triggers anxiety is the stereotypical issues that women face in their workplaces. Stereotype issues occur when a woman becomes conscious of the misconception that women can’t perform better than men. This leads to self-doubt and failure in utilizing their abilities to complete the task correctly.

When a woman hears such kind of statements, she becomes concerned and worries about whether she will be able to meet the objectives required for her work. This reduces her ability to concentrate on the task at hand.

How Can Women Improve Their Mental Wellbeing?

There isn’t one definite way to go about solving mental health issues as everyone has their own ways of coping with psychological stress. Women, especially those who have to fulfill multiple roles in their daily lives, should implement a de-stressing strategy that rejuvenates their minds.

For any strategy to work, one must understand that what helps their mental being and what worsens it. Identifying things that stimulate serotonin can help you feel in-tuned with your mind and soul. To offer more educational resources to help women navigate through their fluctuating mental health, here are various tips and resources that can help women to fight against the darkness inside of them.

1. Meditation

This is a technique used for connecting yourself with your mind. It helps make your mind concentrate on the present by just concentrating on your breathing. The process of breathing in and out slowly in relaxing poses helps to leech the stress out of our body. Keep repeating a few words as motivation to remind yourself that you are not stressed. Make sure to think positively as it will ease your mind and help you to regulate your blood pressure. Also, imagine whatever thoughts that run through your mind as a river that is flowing away.

2. Visit A Therapist

Seeking help from a professional therapist can help you navigate how to overcome your fears and sorrows. Another point is that they aid you in connecting with your true inner self. Moreover, they help to change the negative mindset of a person related to a specific problem. Altogether, they use the best of their abilities to bring a person onto the path of their personal and professional growth.

3. Listen to Influencers

Jay Shetty is one of the most influential people on the planet. He is a bestselling author, life coach, former monk, and podcast host. He, just like many of us, was lost in the feelings of depression as he was not able to find his purpose. He preaches that by applying mindfulness techniques, gratitude, and kindness, he changed the circumstances around him.

His podcasts are praised internationally, and he’s developed a loyal fanbase over the years. Listening to his podcasts and the many inspiring guests he invites on his show can be a great way to tap into your spirituality. The episode with Debra Messing and Mandana Dayani is particularly insightful as they discuss how to converse with people who have opposing views and coexist without animosity.

The Takeaway

At the end of the day, the life of a working woman is filled with many hurdles, but as long as you keep your head on straight and your priorities in check, the journey will be worth it. We must understand that nothing good can come from sacrificing our mental health.

Knowing when to say ‘yes’ and when to say ‘no’ is also vital when implementing boundaries in both professional and personal scenarios. Do what is needed to retain your psychological and emotional wellbeing; if we want to conquer the world, then we need to prioritize our health.

Myrah Abrar

By Myrah Abrar
who is a computer science graduate with a passion for web development and digital marketing. She writes blog articles for Carpet Cleaning Buckinghamshire.

Member since September, 2020
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