improve mental health
  • Trails Carolina Uses Wilderness Therapy to Boost Mental Health

  • Published By:
  • Category: Mental Stress
  • Published Date: March 2, 2022
  • Modified Date: March 10, 2022
  • Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Improve Mental Health

Exercise has helped many people with their mental health. It’s just one of the numerous benefits that staying active provides. At Trails Carolina, a wilderness therapy program located in North Carolina, they’ve been using exercise as a way to boost mental health for all their students.

There’s no denying that countless studies show exercise has numerous health benefits for both the mind and the body. It fights against anxiety, depression, mood disorders, and improves overall mental health.

With many teenagers trying to figure out how to handle mental health issues while at Trails Carolina, the wilderness experience can help significantly. Below are the top ways teenagers get a mental health boost with this kind of therapy.

Dealing with Stress

Numerous psychological issues begin to pop up when facing stress. Anything from jealousy and anger to a lack of proper nutrition can lead to stress. If stress becomes too much, mental health takes a severe hit.

Exercising is one of the best ways to help relieve stress as focusing on the activity itself can be meditative. Instead of everything being centered on all the other issues one faces, this allows for a free mind while also getting fresh air and living a healthier lifestyle.

There are very few settings in the United States that are more picturesque than the Blue Ridge Mountains in western North Carolina. Having this as an option with wilderness therapy can be life-changing for teenagers who’ve never experienced anything like the beauty found there.

Exercise is part of the daily plan, but it’s not to the point teenagers are stressing out about making time or pushing themselves to another level. Burning calories is a great stress-reliever, but taking in the outdoor air and enjoying the exercise helps just as much.


Having a better sense of well-being through exercise can help your mental health significantly. Shortly after starting with Trails Carolina’s wilderness therapy program, students may notice that they feel energized in new ways. Some of the adventures might not seem like much from an exercise perspective, but daily activity starts to add up.

Sleep deprivation haunts a lot of teenagers, which can spill into mental health issues. Exercising improves sleep at night and energizes throughout the day. With a set schedule at Trails Carolina, exercise helps make a day feel fuller.

Brain Boost

Enrolling in the therapeutic wilderness program can also benefit teenagers academically. Getting good grades can help the transition when going home that much easier. Exercising can help boost brain power in numerous ways.

Studies have shown that physical activity and cardiovascular exercise will help create new brain cells. This process, known as neurogenesis, impacts overall brain performance. It cuts down on cognitive decline and any memory loss as a person ages.

Any type of creative issues or general mental energy is also improved with exercise. Many creative minds will deal with what writers know as “writer’s block.” This “block” can happen to anyone when going through struggles in life.

Exercise can help unclog the brain and have a breakthrough. Activities take place before and after classroom work, and it helps with overall student success.

Reduced Anxiety

Mental health issues commonly lead to anxiety. Exercising is a mood booster that cuts down on depression and anxiety. Starting with endorphin levels rising, the brain and the spinal cord produce endorphins, then creating a feeling of happiness in the body.

Exercise alone won’t eliminate the depression and anxiety students might be dealing with, but it can help. The good news is that it may only take a mild amount of exercise to get these benefits.

Students get a healthy, weekly amount through the scheduled activities from the staff at Trails Carolina. As time goes on with therapy, feeling less anxiety allows teenagers to open up on issues holding them back from their full potential.

Handling Exercise Struggles

Although Trails Carolina makes exercise a relatively simple part of daily activities, some might struggle initially. That is why their program is catered to helping every one of their students at whatever level they start. With this type of therapy, its goal is to help aid one’s mental health, and exercise should help with that and not hinder it.

Meeting milestones and goals with exercise can add to any teenager’s growing list of accomplishments. It’s easy to feel discouraged about being new to exercise, but at Trails Carolina it’s handled in a way that makes it fun for all.

When introducing exercising opportunities to teenagers, it’s done so with moderation. Having an individual wellness plan ensures that teenagers should never get burned out. The right amount of exercise can have a considerable impact.

Why Wilderness Therapy Works So Well Compared to Other Types of Therapy

Interested in learning more about what the program is about? Looking to find the exact location and maybe even plan a visit? You can find all the answers to these questions and more here.

By Shrey Jain
who is the Co-Founder of Writofy & a Chartered Accountant who works with a team of creative content writers. He holds a forte in creating informative content on niches like crypto, business, fintech, digital marketing, and several others. In addition, his willingness to learn and share his knowledge can immensely help readers get valuable insights on varied topics.

Member since September, 2021
View all the articles of Shrey Jain.

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