stress causing factors for students
  • Major Stress Causing Factors in the Academic Lives of Students

  • Published By:
  • Category: Mental Stress
  • Published Date: August 14, 2018
  • Modified Date: May 13, 2020
  • Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Stress Causing Factors for Students

As a student we have to go through so many ups and down. We have to be mentally and physically strong and have to face all challenges. School and college days are the wonderful phase of one’s life. We want to live that life again. In academic life we have both joyful and stressful days. Everyone wants to lead a successful and happy life for which they have to work hard and focus on studies. But college life and its atmosphere are filled with fun and students get diverted. In academic life, they have to handle and balance so many things together. They have to finish their assignments, projects, home works and at the same time they want to have fun with family and friends. They want everything balanced and ones the balance is not maintained, there arise mental and health problems. So academic life is filled with stress and tension which we have to face and win. According to the research, students don’t get enough sleep because of stress and tension in their academic life. If a person doesn’t get enough sleep then it leads to mental problems and also affects his body. One must have sound sleep to have a healthy mind and body.

Stress causing factors for students are,

Academic Stress

To enhance learning and raise the quality of education teacher assigns so many activities and gives many home works which become the stress to the students. It’s mainly done to encourage brain work and improve writing ability. In colleges and schools, students have to submit assignments and seminar projects which are assigned by the teachers. Tutors will provide the deadline and students are supposed to submit the assigned work on or before the deadline. So such stress is common in academic life. Some may handle stress easily but others may not handle it. They will have sleepless nights because of the tension which leads to health problems.

Bullying and Raging

As we know bullying and raging is banned and said to be illegal. But in some colleges and schools, bullying and raging still exist. This is the main cause of stress on students. Some take it positively and takes it as part of college life. But we know that everyone is different and they have their own characters and nature. Some may take it lightly and faces it. But some may not be able to face it and falls into depression and lose their confidence. This deeply affects their studies and behavior.

Financial Stress

One of the factors causing stress for students is their financial status. As we all know, to complete the academic journey and to achieve dreams we surely need money. College fees, admission fees and so many other aspects are included in the college fee. If one is staying in the hostel then you have to give hostel fees too. So if one student has no sound financial background then he or she will face financial stress. If one needs quality education in a fully designed and well-developed school and college then financial fitness is the most. Everyone will not be able to handle the financial responsibility. It creates a disturbance in the mind of students and they will not get much concentration on studies. In the time of examination, they have to provide examination fees. All these worries disturb their minds which potentially affect their exam preparation. Since students don’t have enough money, the only way to complete their course is by taking loan. A loan is a big burden for every individual. In research, we have found more than 60% of people have taken an education loan to complete their education. So it is really a stress for students because they have to pay back the bulk sum of money.

Maintaining the Academic Performance

If the student performs well and achieves good marks in class test or other activities, teachers and other students always expect the best from them. Student has to handle and keep maintaining the expectations. It is not possible for a student to perform best in every examination. Maybe he fell sick or face some family problems that may adversely affect their academic performance. So it is very hard for the students to handle the expectations of teachers and family members.

Eating Habits of Students

Another cause of stress in students is their poor eating habits. If one student is staying in the hostel or staying as paying guest its normal that they will not get good, fresh and healthy foods. They will mainly depend on fast food. Medical research shows that the poor eating habits increase the stress level and leads to health problems. Because of examination stress or any other problems they will avoid food which will not help them to solve stress. Instead, it increases their stress level and affects their body and mind.

These are some major reasons which result in stress on students. Everyone wants to enjoy their academic life but along with the joy they have to face certain stress. Stress and joy are like the two sides of one coin. So they have to face it and handle it. These will make them stronger and really helps to prepare them for future life. Research has found that more than 90%of students feel stress and get confused in their academic life. For that, a group of skilled teachers and other members are formed to seek counseling for students. Counseling will really helpful to the students which will enable them to deal with stress. Counseling will give advice and other directions to cope up with academic life. In this way students can deal with their stress.

Donald Belcher

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Member since August, 2018
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