sports and child development
  • The Impact of Organized Sports on Child Development

  • Published By:
  • Category: Sports
  • Published Date: May 23, 2024
  • Modified Date: May 30, 2024
  • Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Sports and Child Development

It is important to you as a parent that your children succeed in life. To grow up strong and confident with the skills necessary to get ahead in life.

With children today spending more and more time indoors playing video games it is no surprise that almost 20% of children in a recent study were obese. Fortunately, there are lots of opportunities and programs to participate in sports and get the exercise and motor skills they need.

From basketball classes for kids to soccer and rugby camps there are places for children to learn and enjoy sports in a safe and encouraging environment.

Psychological Benefits

While most people think of the physical aspect of sports, there are psychological benefits. There is strong evidence that participation in sports during formative years can have a strong positive effect. Some of the benefits include:

  • lower stress levels
  • lower rates of anxiety and depression
  • greater self-confidence and self-esteem
  • better cognitive performance
  • increased creativity

In addition to the immediate mental and emotional benefits, participating in sports appears to predict better mental health later in life. Studies have found that children who participate in sports have less stress and better mental health as young adults.

Getting your children involved in organized sports not only contributes to their mental state in their developmental years, it also extends those benefits throughout their lives.

If your children aren’t athletic or eager to participate, that’s okay. Any increase in their activity will benefit them. There are other types of camps your children may find more appealing.

Physical Benefits

There are numerous benefits to children participating in sports activities. In addition to preventing obesity, there are several other facets of physical well-being that are the result of sports.

  • Lower risk of future illness, including heart disease cancer stroke and diabetes
  • lower recorded instances of drug abuse
  • development of hand-eye coordination, functional movement skills, endurance and strength
  • development of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons
  • better sleep
  • greater ability to relax and avoid chronic muscle pain

The habits kids develop by playing sports lead to lifelong benefits. Studies show that children who participated in youth sports were 5 to 6 times more likely to be physically active as adults.

Sports and Academic Performance

Some parents see a conflict between participation in youth sports and academics. There is evidence to suggest that participation in athletics leads to greater success in school. This can show up in many ways:

  • lower school dropout rates
  • better overall academic performance and the higher GPAs
  • up to 40% higher test scores
  • a higher likelihood of attending college

Children who play organized sports are more productive at work and earn more than their counterparts.

Social skills form the backbone of society by minimizing conflict and facilitating interactions between its members. To be successful in sports requires cooperation and communication. Developing these skills at a young age benefits children throughout their lives. High-level communication, collaboration and evaluative skills develop and mature during these types of interactions.

Participating in youth sports can have a positive life-long impact on your children and help establish their place in the world.

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