man standing on roof silhouette
  • All You Need To Know About Roofing and Solar Shingles

Featured Image Caption: Man Standing on Roof Silhouette

Solar Shingles

Solar energy is getting to be more popular these days. There are many ways that you can harness solar energy. You can use solar panels like people have always done, or you can use the newer option, sun powered shingles. These are better in a lot of ways than the typical sun panels.

If you want someone who can help you with solar shingles, you need to do some research. You could call Skyta Roofing & Solar and get some information about them. They can tell you what you need to know. They can probably install the solar shingles for you, as well.

This article will help you to learn a little about suntiles. It will give you some pros and cons of using them. It will help you to decide if they are for you. There are some facts that you need to know about these solar tiles.

construction worker carrying heavy shingles on roof

Construction Worker Carrying Heavy Shingles on Roof

Facts About Solar Shingles

Suntiles are made to look just like your asphalt shingles. They are a thin PV, or photovoltaic sheets that can go on top of your other shingles or they can replace them. They act just like the bigger sun panels and can capture the sunlight and convert it to energy. They can work in any type of climate or environment. They work in cold climates just as well as they do in warmer climates.

These sun shingles are smaller than traditional solar panels and weigh less. They are about the same size as asphalt shingles measuring about a foot wide and a little over 7 feet long. They are heavier than traditional shingles, weighing about 13 pounds for a square foot. They are mostly under an inch thick, and you will need about 350 of them for a standard sized roof. This is the typical amount for the asphalt tiles, as well. See here for more information about the solar shingles: This site can give you a lot of information.

There are two materials that the sun tiles are made from – copper indium gallium selenide cells, and monocrystalline silicon. The copper indium gallium selenide cells are thin and are flexible. They have one of the higher conversion rates of up to about 12%. The mono-Si material is usually used to make computer chips because it is a natural semiconductor. These tiles are a little more expensive but have a conversion rate of up to 20%. This is a lot of savings for the typical homeowner.

There are also power generating tiles that generate enough power to save the average household up to 60% on their energy bills. These shingles produce about 13 to 63 watts of energy. With these shingles, you also need an energy conversion kit. The conversion kit will allow you to convert the sun power to your home power. Look here to see what your savings could be. The savings could be more than the cost of your entire roof.

There are some pros and cons that go along with suntiles. The pros are that these new tiles look better than the traditional sun panels. They have a design that is sleeker than the traditional panels. They blend into rooftops to make a more level appearance. They do have a more metal like appearance, which may be off putting to some homeowners. This is not always a bad thing because there are some homeowners that love that appearance.

These solar tiles are more energy efficient than asphalt shingles. They can save the average homeowner about 60% on their energy bills. If the homeowner has Energy Star Approved sun power systems, they may be able to defray some of the cost at tax time. They might be less efficient than typical solar panels because they can’t be moved to reflect the sun. This makes them more difficult because you can’t control the amount of the sun’s energy like you can with the solar panels.

Installation of these shingles is easier than the typical sun panels and can be done by most roofers. The solar professionals may come up to connect some things, but not much. The worst part of these shingles is the cost, which can be as much as $20,000. A typical roof with asphalt tiles can be around $8,000 to $14,000, but you can save more money in the long run with the solar tiles.


If you are looking to replace your roof, you should consider solar tiles to do the job. There are many brands that you can look at, and many roofers who can do the job. They are applied nearly the same as an asphalt shingle, but you may need to call in a solar professional to help to hook it up. These roofs are typically just a few thousand dollars more than the asphalt roof, but you can save that much in a few years. Your energy bill will be lower, and you will be more efficient.

These shingles are about the same size and weight as the typical asphalt shingle. They can be applied by any roofer. They can give your roof a metal look, which may or may not be a look that you are searching for. The cost of your savings can make you overlook the style of your roof. You could save up to 60% on your energy bills with this type of roof. It can look nicer in some cases, as well.

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