dedicated ip address benefits
  • Benefits and Reasons of Having Dedicated IP Addresses in 2020

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“The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they are genuine” such quotes are a dime a dozen and can be found all over the internet.

The evolution of modern technology has dramatically changed the way the world worked. From going out to get groceries to buying a piece of land in another part of the world, modern tech is growing tremendously. With the world running on our fingers with just a click, we need a way to trace all our activities. In a layman’s language, an IP address is an extended numerical code which distinguishes your computer network with others.

What Is An IP Address?

As per an IP address consists of four numbers each separated by a dot and containing anywhere between one to four digits, for example One can host a plethora of websites on the same IP address. It means having single physical hardware. While having a unique IP gives several benefits to the host. Having a unique IP means it is only used by the host and not shared among the domains; you can think of it as more like your own phone line.

The process of getting a dedicated IP is quite simple and gives you long term benefits, especially in today’s era, where trends change in the blink of an eye. There are plenty of reasons one needs a dedicated IP, and one of the most common is high traffic on the website. Several people all over the world browse for the same things on the internet, which often leads to site crashes and at times losing a customer. A dedicated IP during such a scenario helps increase the speed of loading and eliminate crashes. It helps save the server from other site activities and increases customers’ confidence in your business.

Why Dedicated IP Address?

A shared IP comes with its own risk of stability and security issues. With the increase in digital marketing companies use emails, telephonic conversation, ads and many more to promote themselves. In case the customers blacklisted the email for spamming all the hosts using the same address will be affected and might degrade the image of one’s business without being at fault.

Having a fixed IP will give you a stabilized and flexible platform to advertise on the web.

The most used search engine google tells where your site is hosted. With the continuous increase in locations, it is a difficult task to get a high rank on such engines. As sharing an IP possess security threats, the chances of getting a better position than those with a dedicated one is lower.

SSL Certificate

Online stores for purchase of groceries to diamonds, everything can be delivered to your doorstep. In such cases, the payment is preferred to be done online by the sellers. However, cash on delivery and various other options for payment are available as well. At times the customers are reluctant to pay online due to their personal information being saved by the websites. In such a case where the site/store owner wishes to not involve a third party for payment, he/she is required to obtain an SSL certificate which creates an encrypted channel and assures the customer that the data is safe. SSL necessarily does not need a fixed IP, but some hosts might still ask for it.

VPN (virtual private networks) are also available to offer dedicated IP addresses. A VPN gives you online privacy by creating private networks. Some of the commonly used VPN’s are NordVPN, PureVPN, Ivacy, etc.

Having a dedicated IP gives one much more freedom to access the server and customize it as per the needs. Online projects that yield high results require more attention and a high level of control. At such times a dedicated IP is a better fit.

Reasons Of Dedicated IP Address

Some applications, in particular, require dedicated IP to operate for safety and security reasons. Most applications run fine on shared IP’s as well. IP addresses are always refreshing, during such times, the risk of the system failing to provide the primary function is high, and if one owns a mission-critical service, failure of delivering it is unaffordable. A dedicated IP can eliminate the risk.

Businesses usually require the transfer of large files from one network to another. File transfer protocol (FTP) is a reliable way to do so. After setting up one’s FTP server, the people who are required to access the data can easily edit, upload or view it carefully.

The continuous growth of e-commerce businesses having an IP can give you exclusive rights. As Google considers page load speed to be one of the ranking factors, a dedicated IP can act as a good investment along with authentic and reliable content. Although there is a lot of debate about the google ranking, the dedicated IP inevitably comes with its own set of advantages.

Breanne Thorne

By Breanne Thorne
who can usually be found binging on indie series on Netflix. Breanne loves dancing, cooks very badly, enjoys strolling around the city, and otherwise spends far too much time at the computer. She is residing in the USA, with her brother and adorable puppy, Milo.

Member since May, 2020
View all the articles of Breanne Thorne.

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