coating type and difference
  • Powder Coating vs Anodized Windows – What Should You Choose?

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The coating type matters when it comes to maintaining the quality of windows. Hence, understanding the differences between anodizing and powder coating becomes pivotal in choosing the correct type.

Be it for doors, windows, or even curtain walls, getting a long-lasting coating finish is essential. That said, let’s contrast powder coated windows vs anodized windows to assess which one is a better option.

What is Powder Coating?

Powder coating is the method of applying protective treatments to metals. The pigment and resin-based powder used in the process are sprayed onto the surface. Powder coating works on a wide range of metals, providing an attractive quality finish that lasts long.

Advantages of Powder Coating

  • It can be used on different metal surfaces.
  • It is cost-effective.
  • A wide colour range of textured finishes.
  • Emits minimal VOCs into the atmosphere.
  • Environmental friendly.

What are Anodized Windows?

Anodizing is an electrochemical process for treating aluminium metal. It can be applied to doors, windows, roofs, curtain walls, or even home decor finishings. The method of anodizing transforms a metal surface into an anodic oxide finish that is substantial, decorative, and corrosion-resistant.

As a result, anodized windows are decorative with protective films and have high durability. The appropriate material for anodizing is aluminium alloy, but it can also treat magnesium and titanium alloys.

Advantages of Anodized Windows

  • Cost-effective and low maintenance
  • Strong resistance against corrosion, abrasive cleaners, and physical abuse.
  • Natural anodized metallic finish
  • The capacitor film does not lose its adhesion.
  • No surface finish fading, cracks, or chips.
  • Long-lasting surface texture and finish.
  • Optimal coverage.
  • A deep, stuffing metallic look.
  • High resistance to UV rays.
  • It does not emit ozone-depleting solvents.
  • The anodizing method does not use any heavy metals.

Why Are People Choosing Anodized Windows?

Anodizing adds a coating of corrosion-resistant layer called aluminium oxide to the window frames to prevent the surface from peeling or flaking. But that is not it. A few manufacturers have pioneered innovative anodizing methods to enhance the quality of windows further.

For instance, TOSTEM patented the TEXGUARD anodizing coating, which provides resistance against rust, corrosion, dust accumulation, and more. As a result, such aluminium and door products require minimal maintenance and can last upto 40 years.

Benefits Of Anodising Aluminium


Anodized windows are long-lasting and provide significant cost savings, given the low maintenance feature. Windows made of anodized aluminium are multiple times stronger than those made of regular aluminium.

Convenient Low-Maintenance:

Thanks to anodizing, the wears from installation, fabrication, storage, or regular surface dirt cleaning are virtually non-existent. You can restore the original appearance of anodized surfaces with mild soap and water cleaning.

Super Cost-Effective:

Aluminium is one of the most affordable metals and 100 per cent recyclable, meaning users can get value for money.

Colour Constancy:

The oxidized exterior coating offers excellent UV protection and prevents untimely surface peeling.

Touch of Aesthetic Appeal:

Anodizing allows for a wide range of designs and uniform colours with minimal surface colour variations. It preserves the natural metallic lustre of aluminium. Anodized French sliding windows, as a reference, add character and create a sense of continuity between the spaces of your home.

Health, Safety & Security:

Anodizing is an eco-friendly process with no emission of VOCs or heavy metal usage, making them safe even for human health. Anodizing finishes are chemically stable with no decomposition and toxic chemicals. It is a super environment-friendly process, making aluminium windows one of the safest types of windows with high security. For instance, French sliding windows, a type of aluminium casement window, has multi-point locks that prevent the breaking in of burglars and intruders.


Powder coating finish hides the surface flaws, revealing the masked surface. With anodized finishes, the inner surface of the metal is the finishing. While deliberating your choice between powder coating and anodizing, keep in mind the consistency of the functionally and finishings of TEXGUARD coating. It is best to select the most durable and sustainable windows for your home, and the TEXGUARD anodized windows are a perfect choice to achieve that.

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