importance of health insurance
  • Reasons Why A Health Insurance Plan Is Important

  • Published By:
  • Category: Insurance
  • Published Date: September 9, 2021
  • Modified Date: September 9, 2021
  • Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Importance of Health Insurance

We all have heard about the term; health insurance. People have now started considering insurance and health and medical insurance awareness have grown significantly over the past few years. You can definitely read about it or hear about it from others but until and unless you don’t intend to get health insurance for yourself, you don’t actually understand what it is or how it actually works or protects you. But that is totally okay. Insurance plans, be they of any kind, are quite confusing to understand right away.

By learning or merely understanding the basics of health insurance, you can make a wiser and smarter pick of the right plan for you. There are many options in health insurance coverage plans like VHIS plan, medicare plan, and much more. But you’ve to pick the one that suits your requirements the best.

What is health insurance?

Health insurance is a process to pay for your medical expenses, like hospital bills, etc. Many people aren’t able to pay for their medical costs, right out of their pocket. They might be limited on a budget or whatsoever. Thus, a good healthcare plan or insurance plan makes it easier to pay your medical bills and cover the costs for you.

Types of Healthcare Insurance:

There are two types of healthcare insurance plans. Some plans are private while others are run by the government. Medicare and Medicaid are two of the most famous health insurance plans that are run by the government.

Private health insurance has many types too. Mostly big businesses provide health insurance to their employees. And many people tend to get this coverage for themselves, on their own too.

How does Health Insurance work?

So how does it actually work? How is it beneficial for you? To begin with, your medical bills are the first thing to be covered in your plan. And then other bills like your drug bills etc come into action according to the coverage that you’ve chosen.

You can take it like your car insurance too. For example, if you run into a bad accident and your car requires a lot of repairs; then insurance will cover it. Depending on the plan that you’ve gotten, all or some of your costs will be covered in this plan. On the other hand, health care insurance covers you more efficiently rather than just a bad accident.

It usually covers up almost all your medical costs, (again) depending on the type of coverage you choose for yourself. It can cover your annual doctor examinations, vaccinations, routine checkup, and much more.

Why is health insurance important?

Now coming to the point; why is healthcare so important? Why is it getting a lot of attention lately? This is because people are now realizing and understanding the importance of health care insurance and the perks that it brings along.

Acts as a Safety Net:

Health insurance is just like a safety net. If you get sick or injured, you will be covered by the insurance company. It will help you cover the costs that you aren’t able to pay right away from your pocket, at a given time.

For many, health insurance is costly. And the reality is that it is expensive. But you can always choose a plan that brings you good coverage. The more money you have, the more points or coverage you can add to your plan accordingly.

It might make your budget a bit tighter but it is the right decision to make for times when you fall ill.

Less Chances of getting Ill:

If you’ve health insurance, you’ll have less chances of falling ill in the first place. When you are insured, you don’t have much stress about your medical bills. Thus, you are able to attend your routine checkups regularly and stay healthy. This way, your doctor can always pick up on any health danger, before it’s too late. People usually ditch their regular checkups due to a tight budget or being out of money by the end of the month. But your insurance plan ensures that you stay on track and prevent illness in the first place.

Does Healthcare Insurance Cover Mental Health?

You can always inquire about this from the insurance company you choose. But nowadays, almost all insurance companies are offering your coverage for your mental and behavioral health too. If you are someone who has anxiety and prolonged stress or depression issues, then opting for mental health coverage can be great. It will help you pay for your sessions and it will become easier for you to do so as well. You wouldn’t have anything to stress about and no reason to quit on the sessions with your therapist as well. Isn’t that great?

Can I Afford Healthcare Insurance?

Well, the answer varies. Many people are unable to invest in this insurance or in any type of insurance as they don’t have a stable income and it can turn out to be a loss for them in the long run. Some people can go bankrupt as well. Thus, it is highly recommended that you always choose a plan that you can easily pay for, every month. You cannot miss your payments as it leads to legal action. Thus, make sure that you are always discussing all the whereabouts before buying an insurance plan for yourself.


If you can afford medical or healthcare insurance, then you must opt for it. There is no reason that you shouldn’t. It can be extremely helpful for you, in the long run as it helps you cover up for unexpected illnesses and much more. Just like you would always want your new car to be insured; it is important to consider yourself, as the most important entity of your life. You deserve insurance too for your mental peace.

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