types of dental veneers
  • The Various Kinds Of Dental Veneer You Must Know

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It is humiliating to have gaps in between the teeth or missing teeth. Those with chipped, cracked and stained teeth often feel reluctant to smile or speak. They suffer from inferiority complex and this is associated with missing teeth and poor teeth alignment. If you have deteriorated teeth, it is time to resort to dental veneers which is a corrective cosmetic dental procedure to bring about beauty and strength to your deteriorated teeth.

What Is A Veneer Or Laminate? How Does It Impart Greatness To Your Teeth?

A veneer is also known as a laminate which is actually a custom designed shell of fine ceramic porcelain that fits the front region of the teeth. It is fitted to the front region in order to restore the shape, the colour and the size of the teeth. Dental veneer or tooth like porcelain is used for correcting imperfection and problems in the teeth like stains and cracks.

How Does A Dental Veneer Help A Person To Stay With A Happy And Healthy Smile?

Dental veneer is prepared by the dentist and it exactly matches with the shape and size of the teeth. It is prepared by keeping in mind the tooth in question. The dentist works towards giving it the colour which matches with the existing teeth. It is the lab technician who actually prepares the veneer. After the exact shape and size of teeth veneer is prepared, it is delivered to the cosmetic dentist. Then, the dentist places it over the tooth of the patient.

How Far It Is Beneficial To Go For Dental Veneer?

Dental veneer is better than other kinds of restorative and cosmetic dental works such as dental implant and others. Dental veneer eliminates the need for removing damaged tooth. There is also no need to make any metallic insertion into the jaws for proper anchorage. It just works on the existing tooth and there is no need for extraction. Being a tooth-borne procedure, there is no need for adhesive or drilling.

The Kinds Of Dental Veneer

There are several kinds of dental veneer in the market. The two most common kinds are composite and porcelain. Porcelain veneer is wafer-thin porcelain piece which may easily be laid on the surface of the teeth. With porcelain veneer, you may easily transform crooked, chipped and cracked teeth. The procedure of porcelain veneer is not so complicated. The dentist will thoroughly evaluate your dentition and then take the impression of the teeth. It will be then sent to the lab technician for veneer fabrication.

Patient’s Comfort Level After Wearing The Porcelain Dental Veneer:

Just after applying porcelain veneer, a patient can smile confidently and acquire bright, straight and usual set of teeth. On the other hand, composite resin is also used as material for dental veneer. The colour of composite veneer is almost the same as natural teeth. However, there is no need for taking a tooth impression and are not made by a lab technician. Here the dentist just shaves tooth enamel to apply resin material on the surface. It is quite convenient to repair composite veneer. When you compare it to porcelain veneer, composite veneer is not that expensive.

porcelain dental veneers benefits

Porcelain Dental Veneers Benefits

Porcelain Veneer And The Benefits

There are various reasons why porcelain veneer is preferred. The following are the benefits:

  • Veneer is capable of hiding imperfections like stains, chipping, gaps between the teeth. It tends to enhance the aesthetics of one’s smile.
  • The best part of choosing porcelain veneer is that it looks quite natural. They are indeed customized in order to blend with other teeth.
  • It fabulously protects cracked or vulnerable teeth.

Discuss out the overall cost of veneer with your dentist. A qualified dentist can offer you a quick solution to all your dental problems.

Oliva Wilson

By Oliva Wilson
who is a qualified blogger and loves to write on Health, Home Improvement, Business and etc.

Member since April, 2019
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