website security
  • Top 10 WordPress Tips To Make Your Website Secure

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Are you worried about your WordPress security? You have spent a lot of time and money maintaining your website but are unsure about its security. No website is 100% secure, and hackers find a way to attack your website.

WordPress is popular; that’s why it is constantly targeted for cyberattacks. Since being secure is a top priority of your website thus, having a ready solution in your hand is of utmost importance. Similarly, a problem solution essay sheds light on issues like this in effortless steps.

Here we are going to discuss the top 10 WordPress tips to keep your site secure.

Make Sure that the Login Method is Safe

The first thing you should do is to make your login procedure secure. Don’t use the general password so that everybody can guess it easily. It would help if you kept in mind that passwords are complex, such as using special characters, etc. Use the two-step verification to make it secure.

Another way to maintain security is to avoid the user’s name, such as admin. You can also add the option of limiting login attempts. You have noticed that on many sites, there is an option of a captcha, meaning that you are a human being operating a site. You can also add this option to your site to make it secure.

Select the Best Website Hosting Firm

The most important thing to keep your site secure is to choose a quality hosting company. The best hosting company will provide the services of multiple security layers. If you choose the cheap hosting firm, you will soon lose all URLs and backups of your site. Another advantage is that the WordPress site will speed up.

Keep Updating the Latest Version To Make Your WordPress Secure

It is a great practice to keep updating your website. However, updating the latest version will protect you from pre-identified loopholes. Hackers will not have access to your site.

You also need to update themes and plugins to avoid the risk of hacker attacks. The system can automatically do the minor update, but the major update requires operating from the admin dashboard.

Use only Licensed Themes

One of the important tips to make your WordPress website secure is to use a premium version instead of the standard one. Because premium themes are more secure and safe as compared to the free ones.

To avoid the risk of cyberattack, keep the theme updated. Never used a null or cracked version of themes because these themes are hacked versions of premium ones. It will destroy your site with hidden malicious codes.

Keep Upgrade PHP versions

If PHP needs an upgrade, it will notify on the dashboard because the old versions are not safe to use. So, take quick action and upgrade it. Stay in touch with the developer if you have no access to your account.

Install a Web Application Firewall

A web application firewall is helpful to provide extra security measures to your WordPress website. It works like a cloud system, where it provides another protection layer around your site. It can block malicious traffic and hacking attempts.

WordPress Site Needs Secure Sockets Layer

With the use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), which protects connections between your site and visitors’ web browsers. You can ensure that no unauthorized parties may read the data sent between your site and their computers.

It would help if you did it manually by using an SSL plugin. Its advantage is to make an SEO boost and also what the customer impression is on your site.

Make Sure to Download or Install Security Plugin

You don’t have enough time to check your website security regularly, so it’s better to put a security plugin on your site. Its function is to check your site 24/7 and scan for remote malware. It also monitors what is happening around your site.

In this era of technology, WordPress email marketing plugins are considered effective for marketing and advertising purposes. These plugins are used to promote your business by conveying either commercial or promotional messages through email marketing.

Keep the Backup of Your Site

To keep the data safe, you need to make a backup of your site. It means creating a copy of all site data and then storing it in a safe place. It is useful in case of a site crash or anything bad.

Keep the WordPress Login Limited

WordPress, by default, permits users to attempt to log in as many times. Users are only allowed a certain number of login attempts before being temporarily blocked. The hacker is locked out before they can complete their attack, limiting your possibility of making a force attempt.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your WordPress site secure is not a hard job. You can follow the steps mentioned to save your WordPress site from hackers and malicious attacks.

Emma Grace

By Emma Grace
who is a well-known author with over 5 years of experience. She wrote about problem solution essay and also worked as a technical, scientific, and educational writer. She has great creative potential and understands how to make compelling content.

Member since November, 2022
View all the articles of Emma Grace.

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