vitamin d tablet
  • Vitamin D: What Does It Mean for Your Health?

Featured Image Caption: Vitamin D Tablet

Vitamin d3 capsules in India are grabbing more attention among senior adults and women as they have found a lack of sun exposure, weak bones, joint pain, and various other issues so common. Though vitamin D is available in plenty around us, we hesitate to take them directly because of many reasons. Sun is an ultimate source of vitamin D but people avoid going outside under the sun as the rising free radicals release due to UV rays, heat, pollution, skin tanning, and many more. But there are many other natural resources other than the Sun for vitamin D. Try to incorporate them into your daily routine rather than directly jumping to the vitamin d tablet for filling the vitamin D deficiency.

Different Sources Of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is available in everything which is under the sun. The condition is that it should be edible and free of toxins.

  • Almond Milk: There are many brands of almond milk (fortified) that provide 2.4 mcg (96 IU) of vitamin D in a serving. Many of such brands also contain calcium to improve absorption of vitamin D.
  • Mushrooms: Mushrooms are under the sun while growing up, so it contains 450 IU in a serving. Some mushrooms which are not exposed to sunlight have less vitamin D. Mainly mushrooms constants D 2 that is not as bioavailable as D3, but it is very helpful in raising vitamin D levels in the body.
  • Eggs: One of the wonderful foods that is packed with so many nutrients. Vitamin D is one of them that contains 37 IU of vitamin D. The yolk part consists of more vitamin D.
  • Fish: Sea fish are great sources of vitamin D 3 which are more bioavailable. There are many fish like tuna, markel, salmon, cod, and many more that doctors also suggest to avoid the vitamin d deficiency.

Signs Of Low Vitamin D In the Body

Identify these signs of low vitamin d before it is too late.

  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Faster losing hair
  • Weak immunity
  • Easy fractures
  • Joint pain
  • Weak bones
  • Fatigue

If you feel a deficiency of Vitamin D, you can take a vitamin d tablet after consulting the doctor. But beware of the limit. Because higher than the safe limit can cause your symptoms like:

  • Weakness
  • Loss of hunger
  • Vomiting
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Nausea

Limit of Vitamin D

The National Institute of Health suggests the intake of 400 to 800 IU in a day. But the recommended daily intake varies as per age.

  • Kids below one year of age need 400 IU of vitamin D.
  • Children between the ages of 1 to 13 require 600 IU.
  • Teenagers require 600 IU.
  • Adults under 70 require 600 IU.
  • Adults over 70 demand 800 IU.

Only consuming vitamin D is not a solution for weak bones and muscles. Include a healthy diet, vitamins, balanced meals, and avoid health hazards from your lifestyle. Along with that training is very important and never compromise with your sleeping pattern. Drink plenty of water that helps you to provide minerals naturally.

Deepika Chaurasia

By Deepika Chaurasia
who is a fitness enthusiasts and professional blogger In India.

Member since June, 2021
View all the articles of Deepika Chaurasia.

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