osteoporosis - knee cartilage damage x ray
  • 4 Major Ways to Help Prevent and Treat Osteoporosis

Featured Image Caption: Osteoporosis – Knee Cartilage Damage X Ray

Osteoporosis is a condition that can result in bone loss and raise the risk of sustaining bone breaks and fractures. If you’re starting to develop osteoporosis or trying to find ways to keep osteoporosis from occurring, there are effective ways to tend to and possibly prevent the condition. By taking these four active measures, you can aid your body in the fight against osteoporosis and help promote better bone health for the future.

Get More Calcium and Vitamin D

One of the easiest ways to combat osteoporosis is to get more calcium and vitamin D in your diet by either eating certain foods or taking dietary supplements. These essential nutrients are important for strengthening and preserving the bones and can help prevent or at least slow bone loss from osteoporosis. Some of the best foods to eat to increase your calcium and vitamin D intake include spinach and kale along with salmon, rainbow trout, and other types of fish. Milk, cheese, and other dairy products can also be excellent sources of calcium and vitamin D.

Exercise More

Exercise can keep both your muscles and bones healthy, and working out regularly is a great way to keep osteoporosis at bay. Whether you’re trying to prevent osteoporosis or already have the condition, doing some resistance exercises with weights or elastic bands can be good if your doctor approves. Walking, hiking and aerobics are other great fitness activities that may prevent some of the harmful effects of osteoporosis. Another fitness option is bioDensity, which involves a technologically advanced system that can help combat osteoporosis by increasing bone density and making joints more stable.

Adopt Healthier Lifestyle Habits

Being overweight or in otherwise poor health can raise your risk of developing osteoporosis or worsen the condition. In addition to exercising more often, it will be to your benefit to limit the amounts of calories, fats, and sugars that you consume in your foods and beverages to maintain a healthier weight. Believe it or not, the old adage that milk will give you stronger bones is no longer true, as the treatments it goes through leaves substances that will sap at your bone density more than it will help it. Calcium-fortified soy milk, almond milk, and other beverages are much more effective at giving your bones what they need. Other harmful habits are more obvious and well known. Smoking and drinking alcohol excessively, which can also be harmful to your bones and joints and increase your risk of osteoporosis, should be avoided as well.

Find Better Ways to Lower Stress

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but too much of it can wreak havoc on your bone health. Stress is known to raise the body’s cortisone levels, which can cause more calcium in the body to be expelled through urine and increase osteoporosis risk. If you’re having trouble reducing your stress, you can try meditation exercises that prompt you to focus on your breathing and calmer thoughts. Pilates and yoga are other good activities for lowering stress. Drinking some chamomile, peppermint, or ginseng tea can also help lower stress and make you less prone to osteoporosis.

These smart and simple lifestyle changes can help you win the battle against osteoporosis in several ways. It’s also best to get the right medical advice from a doctor so that you can be sure that these changes will be the most beneficial for you. None of these steps will fully treat or stop severe osteoporosis, especially in those who have another underlying condition that is causing it. However, if you have it or may have it in the future, these steps are a great way to help give your body support in its fight for stronger bones and better health.

Meghan Belnap

By Meghan Belnap
who is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family and residing in Oklahoma.

Member since September, 2019
View all the articles of Meghan Belnap.

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