impact of packaging on sales
  • 4 Ways to Improve Your Product Packaging and Sales

  • Published By:
  • Category: Packaging Boxes
  • Published Date: March 6, 2020
  • Modified Date: February 8, 2023
  • Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Impact of Packaging on Sales

The type of product you sell, your market audience, and the visibility of your brand are essential, but product packaging is just as important. Therefore, your design and marketing team should spend a significant amount of time finding the right look to represent your brand and products. Improving your packaging has a direct correlation on your sales and is an easy way to update your product. Keep abreast of trends in packaging and sales, and you will be sure to see results come in. Continue reading to learn how you can improve product packaging to help generate sales.

1. Easy to Open Packages

The hassle of trying to open a product can irritate customers and cause your sales to decrease when a competitor offers similar products with less complicated packaging and instructions. Therefore, your business should focus on using packages that are simple to open and easy to discard. This should be the case for every item, regardless if it an easy-twist cap or instructions to tear open the box.

The instructions should be in a visible location on the box, preventing an unnecessary search that could leave customers so frustrated that they refuse to repurchase the product in the future. Look to packaging innovations that make it easy to open on purpose but not easy to spill on accident like perforated edges for tearing or thicker, reusable packaging.

2. Digital Price Tags

In a fast-paced society, more consumers want to make a purchase quickly and avoid errors or the need to stop and ask questions. When potential buyers can receive information about pricing, real-time inventory results, and other automatic updates, they are more likely to buy your items and return to your brand for future purchases. Always think about how you can make the shopping experience more accessible to your customers.

In addition, modern solutions can give your products a technological edge. Using digital price tag solutions can help you enhance the customer experience by simplifying the buying process and making pertinent information available.

3. Stand Out

Your product will likely be available in some of the same locations as your biggest competitors, which is why your packaging should stand out. Consumers should recognize your products from others, based on design and branding. The packaging should be visible, trendy, and attention-grabbing. When choosing fonts and colors, they should be clear and easy-to-notice, even on a crowded shelf. Regardless if your product is sold in stores or via online merchants, the package design should be adaptable and able to fit within channels.

4. Labels are Important

Consumers are becoming more conscious of their purchases, and they want to know what is actually in the products before making a buying decision. Therefore, your marketing strategy should include adequate labeling, which can list nutritional facts, ingredients and allergenic details, and certifications, including those from a third-party. Labels allow your business to communicate with consumers without being present. If you deliver the correct information on the label, you could earn customers.

In order to get your products off the shelves, or into the shopping carts of online consumers, your company must sell items people want and need, and use packaging that intrigues store customers and website visitors. Keep in mind that your packaging is often the first impression that could help increase sales and lead to loyal customers!

Brooke Chaplan

By Brooke Chaplan
who is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home and residing in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves outdoors activities and spends most of her time biking, hiking and gardening. She recommends school furniture suppliers that offer a full range assests.

Member since October, 2019
View all the articles of Brooke Chaplan.

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