oral health
  • 5 Nutrition for Your Gums, Teeth and Oral Health!

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Brushing and flossing alone won’t help maintain oral health. You also have to eat well and choose right nutrition for your teeth and gums. You just can’t get your food choices wrong else it could harm the health of your teeth and gums greatly. More importantly, it takes good habits to maintain oral health and being irresponsible can’t help. If you want a great smile, take care of your nutrition. What you eat or what passes through your mouth has a big impact on your oral health, and you should understand that well. So, eat only what dentists recommend as it can help you maintain optimum dental health easily.

Here are 5 nutrition for gums and teeth –

1. Consume Less Sugary Items

Consuming too much sugary foods and drinks is bad for your oral health. Such items allow bacteria to grow and stick around in your oral cavity. Since oral bacteria produce acid, you will always at a risk of enamel erosion which eventually leads to tooth decay. You must limit the intake of items such as sodas, candies, dried fruits, sport juices, colas etc. as they can help in plaque formation to ruin your teeth and gums gradually.

2. Have a Calcium-rich Diet

If your daily foods are not laced with right nutrition, you may never be able to maintain oral health. If your diet is rich in calcium, it can not only help with strong bones but also ensure healthy teeth. If your food sources have calcium, it can help your dental health greatly. You should include cheese, yoghurt, bean, lentil, almonds and nuts. Such a diet can keep you away from the risk of tooth decay and help you maintain oral health.

3. Eat Healthy Snacks Only

healthy snacks

Healthy Snacks

Snacking could be a good habit if you know what to binge upon. Most of us do mistake of eating snacks bad for our dental health. However, you should start snacking more on yogurt, raw almonds, cheese, raisins, and cranberries for healthy teeth. These snacks are definitely healthier than what you eat non-stop all day long. But yes, floss and brush regularly to maintain your dental health.

4. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

fruits and vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables

If you want healthy gums and strong enamel, start eating more fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. The focus should be on consuming fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A and vitamin C so that you could maintain dental health. Eating more of apples, carrots, celery, garlic, bananas, pineapples will definitely help. The more your diet has fruits and leafy green vegetables, the more it will help your dental health.

5. Stay Away from Tobacco

You can ask any dentist new Hyde park NY and the answer would be same – stay away from tobacco if you want health teeth and gums. Tobacco is bad for your dental health as it can weaken the immune system and even increase the risk of gum disease. A great smile and tobacco can’t go hand in hand, and the choice is yours to make.

Mohd Rashid

By Mohd Rashid
who is a popular health blogger and loves sharing information about diseases, their prevention and remedies. He is fond of dental health, and his posts are very helpful for those looking to find ways for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. You can benefit from his blog and then consult a dentist new Hyde park NY to ensure healthy teeth and gums to yourself for sure.

Member since August, 2018
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