dieting tips on a budget
  • 7 Tips for Dieting on A Budget

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Few of us fear from the word dieting, but some of us are habitual of it that living without this lifestyle seems impossible. When we see, look out for a diet plan and the recipes that may do us good while on dieting we notice the fanciness and expensiveness of it, and it seems like eating less ma cost us more.

People who are planning or want to diet includes mothers mostly and are always on a budget. They have so many expenses to manage that they end up leaving their dieting plan untouched. I have been asked so many times that how can we diet on a budget, so here I am with all your queries answered.


As a woman and shopaholic, I have always been looking out for sale my entire life but after being the household runner now I also look out for every opportunity to buy groceries at the minimal rate possible and a good sale is the only way possible for attaining this goal.

Keep following the superstores around your lock on social media and once you see a sale out there, try to reach out and buy an adequate amount of things.


If you plan your meals ahead, you may see a very prominent change in your finance. What happens most of the time is, we cook things that our family or we are cravings. As you are on a diet you are not allowed to crave for junk or unhealthy food but does that mean that other members of your family cannot crave for it too?

If you are a person who lives with their friends than the above-mentioned circumstances could happen to you too and if you live alone, a moment of weakness can overcome you.

Always plan your meals ahead that may make you aware of what you are supposed to eat throughout the week and what you cannot have. Click here for some recipes you may like.


We always buy things like fruits and vegetable that we love but what happens after a day or two is that it gets rotten. And all the money you spent on buying it goes down the drain. There is one way you can save yourself some trouble, and that is to freeze them. Yes, cut those things as you may want them to be, pack it in an airtight plastic bag and place it in a freezer.

When in need of that fruit or vegetable just take it out and cook or enjoy raw and if you are putting fruits in the refrigerator than keep in mind that freeze fruits make amazing smoothies.


Dieting is tough, but it is tougher when you are on a budget. In my experience, if you have a person to support you not just morally but physically too, to keep on with your diet there is a higher chance for you to attain your goals.

Involve your partner, flatmates or even kids for them to have a balanced diet and for you to have, well, diet only. Dieting is all about having healthy and balanced food than why not increase its portion and serve it to others too on the table or maybe add few more ingredients for them to tolerate you.

This way you would not have to make two different things for the house and can stay within the budget.


We all like our meat differently, but we pay lesser attention to their expense when they are that delicious right? Well, change that thing at least until you are on a diet. Try to go for less expensive cuts as that would help you gain more benefits.


Changing your way of cooking can be difficult but interesting and a real savior too. If you are cooking as you regularly do, it may take more oil or spicy for you to put but changing that pot cooking to grilling or baking can reduce your oil intake. Which of course reduce your weight and save up your oil and will help it to be consumed for a longer time.


Our refrigerators are filled with leftovers which end up in the bin because none of us wants to have a day’s old food. But if you freeze it and plan it with another meal or make another dish out of it the other day, you may not just save yourself some bucks but could also teach the people around you the value of our meals.

We see people throwing out food like it is nothing without realizing that there are so many people out there who cannot afford any of this while you can. Value what you have and let others value it too.

Ending note: I always tell people to look out for themselves, give your own self some time because what you can do for yourself no one else can. If you feel that you are gaining weight that except the fact and work on it because, in the journey of gain, there is the pain. But try hard to never come down that road where you have to deprive yourself of so much goodness of food. I say, why not eat delicious but healthy from the beginning? Why weight for our nutritionist to restrict us from having what we like? Have little of what you like now so that you do not have to stop having it all together.

And remember no matter what you are and how you are being. You are one hell of a person that no other person can be and if you are losing some weight than that is for you and you only.

Michelle Hannan

By Michelle Hannan
who is a nutritionist, and is also on a mission to give you all the information you need for losing weight successfully.

Member since February, 2018
View all the articles of Michelle Hannan.

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