crop kid weighing on scale
  • X Tips to Maintain a Healthy Weight

Featured Image Caption: Crop Kid Weighing on Scale | Image Credit: pexels(.)com

Your body functions 24/7 and is constantly changing. As a result, weight fluctuations are a common aspect of life. In addition, genetic disposition, gender, lifestyle, culture, and sleep affect your weight. While some factors are difficult to control, like genetics or culture, readjusting lifestyle and eating habits can help maintain a healthy weight. With a nutritious diet plan and regular exercise, you can stay at a healthy weight without jeopardizing your health. Find out x tips to maintain a healthy weight to keep your body in shape as you age.

Focus on what you eat

The basic rule of maintaining a healthy weight is to notice what you put inside your body. Notice what foods you are eating and what’s their source, the fluids you consume, and any environmental or cultural factors that may affect your diet. In many parts of the world, food holds immense cultural importance, and thus it becomes difficult to tame your diet. It may also become difficult to control certain eating habits when everyone around you is involved in them. Alcohol and substance use is a prime example of that. If you find yourself in a pickle with toxic habits, consider visiting Serenity at Summit Rehab to get help. An essential part of maintaining a healthy diet and weight is eliminating everything that doesn’t nourish your mind and body.

Eat from all five food groups

When trying to stay on track to maintain weight, it is crucial to consume food from all five groups – proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy. Don’t get caught up with flashy fitness gurus on the internet that talk about fad diets and promote appetite-reducing teas or pills. Fad diets are what they are called: a fad. You might want to follow a certain fitness influencer’s fitness plan, but is it the right one for you? Everyone’s body is different. What works for someone else may not work for you. Therefore, instead of skipping a food group, reduce your intake or consume something you like. For example, if you are lactose-intolerant, try plant-based milk to fulfill your dairy needs instead of eliminating it from your diet.

Portion control

Apart from eating well, focusing on eating the right amount would be better. Just because protein is healthy doesn’t mean you should have red meat daily. Excessive amounts of protein can cause liver, heart, and kidney problems. Similarly, cutting out on pasta or white rice isn’t entirely healthy. Instead, set portions of grains that you might want to consume. Better yet, try whole-wheat pasta or rice. As a rule of thumb, you should eat one palm’s worth of protein, one fist’s worth of vegetables, one thumb’s worth of fats, and a handful serving of carbs.

Stay hydrated

Drinking water helps maintain a healthy weight, and research supports that claim. Though there isn’t a set amount of water intake per day for weight loss, ideally, you should consume an ounce or half of water for every pound you weigh. Again, this is an approximate figure. The more water you drink, the better it is for your body. Remember not to drink more than a liter of water in one hour as it can be too much for your kidneys to bear. Specifically, drink water before and after meals. Drinking water before meals helps reduce your calorie intake and after meals helps with digestion. As someone trying to lose weight, avoid sugary and alcoholic beverages and quench your thirst with water.

Track what you eat

A common way to maintain weight is to notice what you eat daily and log it in a notebook or food tracking app. Logging in your calories is beneficial for losing weight, especially if you’re in a caloric deficit. It’s also good to review what you’ve consumed throughout the day to help you make better food choices. Also, if you’re exercising to lose weight, tracking your food helps compare it with the calories you burn.

Replace processed foods with healthy alternatives

Food items that undergo mechanical and chemical processes are processed foods. Processed food items are high in harmful sugars and fats and add extra calories. Processed foods are engineered and marketed to make you keep coming back for them. Processed foods are highly addictive and challenging to burn off. Examples of processed foods include frozen and precooked meals and packaged chips. There are plenty of healthy alternatives to processed foods. Instead of buying canned soup, stock up your pantry over the weekend and make soup at home. You don’t have to go for glazed doughnuts every time you crave something sweet. Fruits are sweet too and healthier than doughnuts.

Limit sugar intake

Consuming excessive sugar correlates with obesity, heart illnesses, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Americans consume 15 teaspoons of sugar on average. Some of it is not mentioned on the ingredients list. So, you are consuming more sugar than you might think. Since some amount of sugar is necessary for daily intake, you can choose healthier sources. Eat fruit; don’t reach for processed snacks if you crave something sweet.

Exercise regularly

Eating healthy is just one aspect of maintaining a healthy weight. Exercising regularly and burning off calories is the other one. Your body weight represents what you eat and what you burn off during metabolic processes inside the body and some light movement. To maintain a healthy weight, you must work out regularly to burn off the calories you consume. It doesn’t have to be a strenuous exercise. Light movement like walking for twenty minutes or cycling is also feasible unless you plan on losing weight, for which you need to combine cardio and strength straining.

Sleep on time

Just like exercising, getting adequate sleep every night is crucial to giving your body rest. Those who don’t sleep for eight to nine hours daily are likely to have disturbed routines and imbalanced diets. If you want to stick with your current weight, get enough sleep every night to be well-rested and ready for the next day.


To accomplish a goal like maintaining a healthy weight, you must put some effort into it. Change your eating habits, move a little, sleep on time and keep your mind stress-free. Doing so will keep your weight steady and help you stay fit.

Marlene Coleman

By Marlene Coleman
– is a passionate blogger who love to write on digital marketing, Business, technology and finance related topics. Also, a reader and loves to share quality content prevalent on the web. She is a featured author at UpLearn.

Member since October, 2021
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