8 Convincing Reasons Why Homeschooling is Good for Your Child
  • 8 Convincing Reasons Why Homeschooling is Good for Your Child

  • Published By:
  • Category: Education
  • Published Date: May 19, 2017
  • Modified Date: May 12, 2020
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Benefits of Homeschooling for Your Child

Nowadays, many parents prefer to home school their child instead of sending them to a public or private school. Whatever the reason behind educating a child at home is, homeschooling can benefit both child and parents in a variety of ways.

Let’s get down to some prominent reasons how homeschooling can be a smart choice to educate your kids.

Top-Notch Education:

Every child is different and so are their needs. When you homeschool, you’re free to choose whatever you want your toddler to learn. As no one understands your child’s strength, weaknesses, learning styles, and interests better than you, you always try your best to customize your child’s education to meet his specific educational needs. This enables your child to learn things at his own pace, which eventually motivates him to focus on knowledge rather than aim for high grades. Providing your little one the best learning environment possible, Homeschooling allows him to learn as per his individual capability.

One-to-one Interaction:

Homeschooling provides parents a golden opportunity to spend a lot of one-on-one time with their kid – which a traditional public or private school can never offer. Having a one-to-one interaction with your child, you keep distractions to a minimum so that your little one could concentrate better on his work. Also, it helps you better understand what adjustments and improvements you need to make to take your child’s personalized educational plan to a whole new level. Most importantly, by sitting down face-to-face with your toddler, you’re able to clarify all his doubts related to basic concepts.

Encourages Independent Thinking:

Homeschooling helps you develop some really great qualities, especially independent thinking and action taking – in children. As you deal with your child one-on-one, he starts to think independently and making decisions on his own. Instead of following the ideas of a group of students, your little one has the ability to make an independent decision and takes full responsibility for the same. Not only he feels more positive about his own decision but also he tends to be more mature and decisive than other children of his age in later life.

Freedom and Flexibility:

Another positive side of homeschooling your kids is that there is no need to live by the schedule and restrictions of a school system. You can start at whatever time you want, take breaks according to your convenience, and end whenever you want. Even, you can plan your holidays with your kids and execute them the way you want to. Homeschoolers are free to go anywhere, anytime. Also, they are free to learn whatever they want, whenever they want.

Helps Instil Positive Family Values:

Homeschooling also gives you a chance to teach your child positive family values, morals, and manners, which is inevitable for a child’s development and success in today’s world. Not only verbally, you can instill your family’s values, faith, and character traits in your child by showing some real-life examples. On the other hand, when you send your children off to a private or public institution, you’re unsure whether the school staff members whose moral life you might know nothing about will instill the best habits and moral values to your little-loved one.

No Bullying or Peer Pressure:

In public schools, children are more prone to unnecessary and harmful things such as negative peer pressure, bullying, violence, unwanted influences, substance abuse, and even misbehaving teachers. These all have a bad impact on a child’s well-being and education, resulting in an emotionally detached and less- confident individual. Homeschooling eliminates all the negative influences of peer pressure and bullying your child may experience in a traditional school, motivating him towards becoming a stronger and more confident individual.

Quality Family Time:

When you homeschool your child, you tend to spend a lot of quality time with him. This is impossible in public and private schools where your little one has to stay away from you for long hours. Spending adequate time together as a family, you give your child a chance to communicate more with you. As a result, you kid becomes open to you. He starts interacting with you confidently without any fear of criticism or judgment, which is a good sign of stronger parent-child relationship.

More Sleep and Better Health:

Studies show that homeschoolers sleep more and better than public, private school taught children. As a better sleep leads to a better health, home-schooled kids are healthier, happier and better prepared to learn things than others. Not only they perform better both academically and socially, but also they have fewer instances of tardiness and fatigue.

Nishant Gupta

By Nishant Gupta
who is running a website WobblyWalk.com. On my website, you can get baby and mom-related products as well as in-depth articles related to parenting, pregnancy, motherhood, baby & moms care. I love traveling, music, writing and blogging.

Member since August, 2017
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