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So, now your kids are out of preschool, and they are beginning to learn more challenging math skills in kindergarten.
Math homework may be coming your way! Addition and subtraction, counting money, and telling time worksheets all might find their way home in your child’s backpack or homework folder. Some kids will tackle each homework assignment with enthusiasm. However, as the work becomes more challenging, kids may lose their zest for math, or worse, begin to hate it!
Math and homework are not always easy or enjoyable, but you can make math fun for your child!
Math games are fun for the whole family.
Checkers, Battleship, Guess Who, and Memory Match are tried and true favorites. Online learning games for kids are plentiful as well. Games are a great break from homework and are significant enrichment and practice resources for many skills.
Take a trip.
Are there science or activity museums nearby? Museums provide the opportunity to explore and try STEM activities and meet and play with other kids. Take time to experience each station.
How about factory tours? If there are some in your area, use the tour and the products manufactured to discuss how math is used to make the product.
Drills and flashcards can be tedious.
Drills, practice pages, and flashcards are practical tools for memorizing facts, but let’s face it, they are boring!
Online learning games for kids provide creative ways to practice drills and facts differently. Online, these activities offer a game component, a chance to earn rewards, and progress is easily tracked.
Make sure kids “see” math every day.
If your child has been working on kindergarten time worksheets, be intentional and ask the time on various clocks in your home. Check the following kindergarten telling time worksheets and especially its interactive online version. Challenge your child with elapsed time questions and multi-step questions. Look for different shapes around the house and even estimate how many peas you can fit on a spoon. Tell your child that guests are coming for dinner. How many plates are needed now? Math is everywhere, so look for teachable moments.
Learn basic money principles.
Using lower value coins, let your child count the change in your pocket. Ask real-world questions in kindergarten-friendly language. For example, a pencil costs 5 cents. I need 2. How much money do I have to have to pay for the pencils?
Think about your child’s interests.
As stated before, math is everywhere. Does your child have a pet? How much time does it take to walk the dog? Ask your child to divide their favorite peanut butter and jelly sandwich in 4 ways equally or demonstrate what shapes can be made from the sandwich by cutting it differently. Sort stuffed animals by color or size on the shelf.
Ask questions that make them think!
What holds more? Sisters cup or your glass? Can you make the block tower the same height using fewer blocks? Are there more or fewer steps going to your room upstairs or more steps off the front porch?
To sum it up, making math fun is accomplished by making it “real” for your child. So, look for teachable moments, online learning games for kids, and tap into your child’s interests to keep math engaging and exciting.
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