cardiologist in chennai
  • Every Woman Should Have Knowledge of These Facts Related to the Heart

Featured Image Caption: Cardiologist in Chennai

The main reason for the death of women in comparison to any other disease is cardiovascular disease. According to a new study, three out of every five women in India are at risk of getting heart disease from the age of 35 years. But most women believe that they are protected from heart disease by at least 50 years of age. Therefore, every woman should be aware of the facts related to heart disease and also those men who love her.

The Risk of Death From Heart Disease –

Every year, more than more women are killed due to heart disease and stroke. In the United States, every 90 seconds a woman suffers from a heart attack. The biggest health hazard for women is the lack of knowledge due to the major cause of heart disease. According to the report of the American Heart Association (AHA), about 42.1 million women had heart disease in 2004 and as a result, 461 thousand deaths were also reported.

How to Control Heart Disease –

Approximately 80 percent of women aged between 40 to 60 can be controlled or reduced to one or more risk factors for one or more heart disease. Risk factors can be reduced by controlling the level of salt, smoking, higher LDL cholesterol level or lower HDL (good) levels, high blood pressure, obesity, physical inactivity, uncontrolled diabetes, and high-stress levels.

Lack of Treatment –

Women are less likely to test and treat heart disease at the right time than men. Women who are at risk of cardiovascular disease are also not sent for clinical trials like men.

If you have any problems with heart disease, then you can join the CrediHealth website, which is a good platform for the medical assistance company, can also get information about cardiologists in Chennai or any other city in India.

More risk of stroke – The risk of stroke is more due to more heart rhythm, more frequent heart attack in a woman, but she is not recognized. Under doctoral evaluation and treatment of women, because they do not reveal high risk like men, especially if they are young and look healthy.

Symptoms of Heart Attack Different from Men –

Women may have different symptoms of heart attack compared to men. Women are more likely to experience shortness of breath, fatigue, stomach pressure, nausea or jealousy, or jaw, neck, back, or upper shoulder pain.

Factors Affecting the Heart Disease –

Often, women believe that there is no need to worry about heart attack when cholesterol and blood pressure are normal. Although both cholesterol and blood pressure contribute to cardiovascular disease, other factors can also affect it. Family history is of major importance. Apart from this, excess weight and blood sugars can also be risk factors.

Young Women also Suffer From Heart Disease –

Estrogen and other hormones protect women from heart disease, so young women do not need to worry. This is the biggest misconception that young women do not have to worry about risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. According to J. Julia Shin, a cardiologist at the Montefiore Medical Center in New York City, young women also have heart problems and they are often fatal.

Health Problems During Pregnancy –

Health events that occur during pregnancy – such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes – may later be risk factors for heart disease in life. Preeclampsia, Gestational Diabetes During pregnancy, hypertension is always said that these problems are removed after the birth of a child. But their effects increase the risk of heart disease. Due to preeclampsia, a woman increases the risk of heart disease twice in the middle age. While in gestational diabetes, glucose intolerance often paves the way for other conditions and contributes to obesity and other risk factors for heart disease.

Hot Flash is Not Always a Sign of Menopause –

The hot flash is often associated with hormonal changes in menopause. But do you know that it can also be a sign of a heart problem? It depends on how and when it happens. If the problem of a hot flash is on TV or on the phone, it is hormonal. But during this exertion, it can be the symptoms of angina. Angina is a form of heart disease that has a heart muscle problem.

Every possible effort has been made to ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and reality of this information, although its moral obligation is not ours. We are requesting you to contact your doctor before trying any solution. Our aim is to provide you with information.

By Manoj Bhatia
who is a digital experts IT Management consultant who enjoys blogging about various topics, he welcomes you to view his cardiologist in Chennai site and his local pediatric site.

Member since March, 2019
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