diabetic eye screening
  • Everything You Need to Know About Diabetic Eye Screening

Featured Image Caption: Diabetic Eye Screening

When diabetes begins to affect blood vessels of the retina, it triggers diabetic retinopathy. A condition in which the retinal lines are not able to work the way they should. The retina is present within the eye and acts like the film of a camera. During early stages this condition does not affect the sight, however as it grows, it affects the vision.

Most of the people who are at the risk of developing this condition include:

  • People with high blood pressure
  • People who have had diabetes for a long period of time
  • People are on insulin
  • People whose blood sugar levels are relatively higher and are not properly controlled.

What is The Diabetic Eye Screening Program?

Screening is an excellent method of detecting diabetic retinopathy at an early stage before the change of vision occurs. This because the condition does not trigger any immediate symptoms at the initial stages and if detected at such a point then its treatment can help in stopping the condition from turning worse. Otherwise, the moment its symptoms are experienced, treating it completely can turn out to be difficult and this is the reason why a diabetic eye screening program was introduced by NHS.

Everyone who has acquired the age of 12 and has been suffering from diabetes is recommended to take the test at least once in a year. The condition is rare in children who are below the age of 12 and therefore you must be 12 or over. The complete test takes nearly 30 minutes and is followed by a series of examination at the back of your eyes by capturing pictures of the retina and its wall.

Why is it Crucial to Screen for Diabetes?

There are three important reasons that make diabetic eye screening important for everyone who is or has been suffering from diabetes and these are:

  • Diabetic retinopathy can affect your eyesight, still, the signs of the condition remain absent at an early stage. You won’t even experience that you are suffering from such a dreadful thing until things have gone too far. When it reaches its extremities most of the treatments are not able to cure it.
  • The untreated condition remains to an emerging cause of blindness, mostly in the working age population.
  • Laser treatment is quite effective in managing the loss of sight due to diabetes retinopathy, but only when performed on-time.
eye screening test for diabetes

Eye Screening Test for Diabetes

How is Diabetic Eye Screening Performed?

The organizations that are carrying out the diabetic eye screening test in your local area (mobile units, hospitals, private companies, healthcare groups and associated firms) will get your details and these stay with NHS for proper treatment. After a letter for screening appointment is provided, the entire procedure is explained by optometrist (you are free to ask any queries about the diabetic eye screening. Then your vision of sight is recorded, while drops are added to pupils so that they enlarge, and photographs can be taken.

The camera used for the process does not have meet the eyes, just a flash is noticed every time the photos are captured. Even though the light would be bright, yet it wouldn’t be that uncomfortable.

Remember; the drops do tend to cause a stinging sensation for about 10 minutes and this vanishes with time. After the procedure for about 5 minutes, your sight might be blurred, and you won’t be able to focus on any objects. In certain cases, this can last for hours based on the type of drops that have been used for enlarging the pupils.

Lauren Bracy

By Lauren Bracy
who a qualified blogger, a writer by day and a reader by night. I love to write various types of blogs on different topics, like: health, home décor, Automotive, Business, Food, Lifestyle, Finance, Flowers etc. I like to think of ways on how to solve daily life problems of people. Above mentioned points will help you to know everything about diabetic eye Screening.

Member since March, 2018
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