industrial technician in factory working on machine maintenance with wrench
  • 4 Components Every Industrial Machine Needs to Have Replaced

Featured Image Caption: Industrial Technician In Factory Working On Machine Maintenance With Wrench

Your industrial machines must operate efficiently and with as few breakdowns as possible for your company to meet its speed and efficiency goals. Maximizing uptime means replacing components that are designed to wear out and watching for signs of fatigue and stress on other parts. Here are four component types that you must replace periodically to get optimal performance from your industrial machines.

Air and Fluid Filters

Industrial machines may have several air and lubricant filters designed to keep internal components clean and friction-free. While makers usually recommend filter replacement after a specific number of days or run hours, filters may need to be replaced more often than recommended if they retain more debris or operate in a dusty environment. Replace filters on schedule and whenever they’re dirty for extended machine life, reduced emissions, and maximum performance. Air and fluid filters are especially important for industrial machines. Be sure to check these on regular basis and replace them as needed.

Chains and Belts

The chains and belts that power machine conveyors and other movements operate under stressful conditions, so they wear out quicker than other industrial machine components. These parts and those that connect to them often operate under crushing weight or tension whenever the machine is functioning. If there’s a breakdown, the chains and belts are among the first components to check, but routine replacement before they fail is the best idea. Keeping a fresh supply of chains and belts for your industrial equipment is a great idea for anyone who wants to make things run smoother.

Nuts, Bolts, and Washers

Even the best industrial washers, bolts, and nuts eventually fail or come loose and get lost. Regular inspections and tightening or replacement of these often-overlooked components can prevent vibrations that can cause larger, more expensive parts to fail. Replacement industrial nuts and bolts must match in size, length, and thread type while replacement industrial washers must be of the right size, shape, and thickness. Washers are especially important because they function as a spacer for pieces of equipment that have parts that come close together while running.


Seals hold pressure and prevent leaking while keeping different kinds of fluids away from each other. Almost every industrial machine has several types of seals. These crucial components can be found in gearboxes, pumps, compressors, and motors, and must be inspected and replaced regularly. If one leak or breaks, it can cause a catastrophic and expensive failure of the machine that can be difficult to repair. Seals are also very important for any industrial needs you might have. Many seals require replacement often, so keep this in mind.

The industrial machine components that need replacing most frequently are those related to fluid and airflow, that is in constant motion and that come under stress frequently. Still, every component of an industrial machine must be regularly inspected and repaired or replaced as needed for safe and efficient operation. When poorly maintained machines fail, the people who run them for you have nothing to do. That means your business grinds to a halt.

Anita Ginsburg

By Anita Ginsburg
who is a freelance writer and residing in Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. She recommends choosing a reliable lateral flow test assembly kitting provider for sterile diagnostic tests.

Member since July, 2019
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