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  • How to Properly Maintain and Repair Your HVAC System

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A home heating and air conditioning system is a major investment, yet many homeowners don’t take the simple steps necessary to keep theirs running at optimal efficiency. Here are four things you can do to protect your investment and keep your home comfortable and safe no matter the weather.

Check Filters Regularly

Perhaps nothing is more important to the health of your HVAC system than checking the system’s filters as often as recommended by the maker, usually once a month. Depending on the type of system in your home, you may have more than one filter. Some can be cleaned and reused for months or years, but others require replacement. If you don’t know how to check your filters, ask an HVAC technician to show you.

You can purchase filters for your furnace at your local home improvement store. The workers there will be able to show you which type you will need for your specific furnace. During the winter months, you may need to replace your filter more often as it can start to collect dust quicker when it is used more often. The first thing you should do if you notice your house is getting as warm as it used to is check your filter. This is commonly the culprit of an inefficient HVAC system.

Get a Maintenance Plan

Most heating and cooling system maintenance and repairs must be done by a technician. Consider getting a preventative HVAC maintenance annual plan to cover twice-yearly tune-ups and reduce the cost of repairs. During plan visits, technicians check all components, tighten connections, locate small problems before they become big ones, and test for carbon monoxide, among other things. Your system won’t continue to work without preventative HVAC maintenance.

Find a technician near you that you know you can trust. They should be reliable and able to schedule a time that works for you to complete your service.

Don’t Ignore Problems

Ignoring HVAC system problems won’t make them go away, and problems don’t get better without intervention. If your system can’t maintain proper temperature in your home, makes a strange noise, or turns off and on more often than it did in the past, you need to contact your HVAC company for repairs. Another telltale sign that your HVAC needs to be repaired is if your heating or gas bill is higher than usual. If you wait to repair your HVAC system, your system could fail on a dangerously hot or cold day. Waiting can also make the issue more expensive to repair.

Know When to Replace It

If a system is more than 10 years old, continuing to maintain and repair it may be throwing money away. A new system is usually more energy-efficient and may do a better job maintaining the temperature in your home than a failing old system. Your HVAC company can help you decide which replacement model is best for your home. Be sure to get a complete price quote before authorizing replacement so there are no surprises.

Heating and air conditioning systems can’t run forever without repairs. Systems work best when checked regularly, not just when something’s wrong. While you can check filters and watch for problems, only specially trained HVAC technicians can maintain and repair your system to factory standards so you can relax inside even when it’s unpleasant outside.

Anita Ginsburg

By Anita Ginsburg
who is a freelance writer and residing in Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing.

Member since July, 2019
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