psychic powers
  • Have You Lost Your Marbles-Or Anything Else? How a Psychic Can Help Find Lost Things

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While it is possible for a psychic to find lost items, or even lost people, there are never any guarantees. That’s because not all things want to be found. Sometimes, there is a lesson to learn due to the loss. For example, losing your wedding ring could be symbolic of something deeper happening in your marriage. If this is something you repeatedly lose, consider that just perhaps, you’re not supposed to have it in your life.

However, if you believe the thing you’re searching for is meant to be in your life, there are ways a psychic can use their abilities to help you find what you seek.

Using a Pendulum

A psychic can use a pendulum to try and locate a lost object. The psychic will know which direction the pendulum will swing to answer yes or no. The psychic will begin by asking “yes-no” questions, such as “Is my client’s keys in the house?” If the answer is yes, the psychic will narrow the questions down to different areas of the house, such as the bedroom, living room, and kitchen. From there, the questioning can be further narrowed down. This method may or may not yield the answers you seek, but it’s often a good starting point.

Asking Spirit Guides

If your psychic reader communicates with spirit guides, she can ask them where your missing object is. The spirits may be able to tell you where your missing belonging is outright. If they can’t tell you an exact place to look, they may be able to impart some clues, such as what missing object might be near or hidden in.

On the other hand, they might tell you the underlying reason why you lost it. Through your psychic, they could tell you that you’ll never see your lost object again because having it is not in your best interest. While you may not want to hear that, it’s a piece of spiritual wisdom you must consider. Whether you do eventually find the item or not, there may be some changes you need to think about making in your life.

Using Intuitive Abilities

If your psychic relies on her intuitive abilities, she could use these to tune into your subconscious mind to find out where you lost your item is. By tuning into your spirit, a psychic can use her clairaudient, clairvoyant, or claircognizant abilities to locate what you have lost. For example, she might hear your subconscious mind telling her where it is, or a picture might form in her mind. On the other hand, your subconscious might tell her why you lost it, and why it shouldn’t be found. Deep down, you might have a symbolic reason for losing it in the first place.

While it’s possible for a psychic to help you locate lost objects or even lost people, there are sometimes reasons things get lost. Losing things is often symbolic of a need to make changes in your life. If your psychic reader can not find what you are looking for, it’s time to ask yourself what that thing represents to you.

Anita Ginsburg

By Anita Ginsburg
who is a freelance writer and residing in Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. If you’ve lost something important, she recommends talking to psychics now.

Member since July, 2019
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