metal fabrication trends
  • Here’s What You Need to Know About Metal Fabrication Trends

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With technology advancement and changes in the market, all industries are welcoming new trends and the metal fabrication industry is not behind. This industry is definitely growing and shows quite promising developments. Industries such as defence, aerospace, agriculture and medicine are showing increased demand for metal fabrication.

Let’s look at some of the trends that are showing a rise in the metal fabrication business.

3D Printing

The 3D printing industry is definitely on the rise and can also be called the future of metal fabrication. It has opened up a lot of opportunities for customization, eliminating waste, increasing output, efficiency and more. More and more metal fabrication companies are buying 3D printing machines to increase their scope of work and expertise.


The metal fabrication is not behind from the way automation has penetrated and changed industries. It has helped fabrication shops and companies in simplifying the cutting and bending of metal sheets and reducing the entire operation. It has also helped reduce the need for manual supervision, reducing costs on human resources for metal fabrication companies like Metal Fusion Technology.

Tube Laser

The tube laser technology has helped a lot and has many benefits over the traditional methods of manufacturing and metal fabrication processes. It can produce more sophisticated and intricate cuts, increase the speed, hence saving time and also cuts down on the costs of assembly. All of this is in addition to the high quality that it provides. So, this one is definitely going to be in demand and on the rise.

Research and Development

The research and development in the metal fabrication industry is expected to keep up and advance because more and more manufacturers are realising the importance and benefits of innovation. New technologies will continue to be created and the research and development of this industry is competitive. It can be said that more and more organisations are going to spend large amounts on research and development in this industry.

Challenges of this industry

Some of the challenges that this industry might be facing are the supply of skilled labour which is not able to keep up with the growth that the industry is facing. Automation is not able to provide the complete solution and so the industry will have to come up with a solution that can keep adding capacity without having to hire more labour.

More Markets

For the metal fabrication industry, more emerging markets mean opening up to more sectors. Market conditions are changing and more businesses are dealing with new environments and expanding into different sectors, causing a rise in globalisation.

Industry Growth

The metal fabrication industry will keep growing for many years to come. By 2024, the metal fabrication industry is estimated to be valued around $24 billion. This industry includes all kinds of fabrication like metal forming, metal cutting, tube laser, welding, metal finishing, CNC fabrication etc.


Organisations are reporting more and more growth in the metal fabrication industry so more technological advancements and trends can be predicted in the coming years. There’s a lot of opportunities and scope in this industry and we can see them emerging with every passing year.

With the rise of emerging markets, metal fabrication companies have more opportunities to expand their reach and meet the ever-increasing demand for their services.

Suzanne Elly

By Suzanne Elly
who is a blogger, content marketer and editor with experience in a diverse range of industries. Her work has been published in various blogs, websites, and magazines on the web. Suzanne has in-depth experience writing on business and marketing topics in Asia, North America and Europe. When not writing, Suzanne can usually be found voraciously reading or caring for her three kids, Whinney, Adam, and Alex.

Member since June, 2018
View all the articles of Suzanne Elly.

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