a family
  • How to Find a House When You Have a Large Family

  • Published By:
  • Category: Real Estate
  • Published Date: July 2, 2021
  • Modified Date: July 2, 2021
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: A Family

Families come in all the shapes and sizes, and so do homes. However, when it comes to particularly large families, sometimes it’s hard to find a home that will meet all of your needs. Most homes are built for a standard-size family, but maybe your family is slightly larger than most. Here we will talk about how to find a home when your family is particularly large.


What is your budget like? With a large family, you’re going to have to cut some corners unless you’re more financially able. You need to consider factors such as how much debt you have based on your family’s needs. It’s very important to consider how much you’re willing to spend on a home before contacting a realtor.


Where does your family spend most of their time? You don’t want to be chauffeuring one child across town while another needs to be in a class down the street. This is especially true if your transportation options are limited.

When living with a large family, you may shop at specific stores. Assess which places you need to be close to and the areas that you love to spend time in alongside your family. Do you need a playground? A pool? Can you get those things nearby? Would you prefer a more remote location? Sit down as a family and discuss what areas seem right for you.

Residential Properties

Most residential properties come in different sizes or can be built to your specifications. You need to assess things such as how many bathrooms and bedrooms you need. The size of the kitchen, dining facilities, recreational rooms, and backyard space for kids and pets. Residential properties offer homes in neighborhoods close to kids and other families with a variety of choices in house sizes and yards. Determine how close you want to be to neighbors in this case, as there are many residential areas where the space between homes could make all the difference.

Age of home

The age of a property is a very important factor to consider. Depending on its age will depend on the kind of upgrades or repairs you’ll need to be doing to keep it up to your family’s standards. While old houses have a lot of charm and history to them and most were designed to hold larger families, make sure your budget will allow if the property will need any extra care.


Large families tend to have a variety of belongings that need to be stored. Consider things like closet sizes, basements, attics, and other storage areas. Storage becomes a premium when there are more people in the family, and all things must be kept in the right places.

Safety of the property

Kids need to be protected. A large group of children may be more likely to get into trouble, and it’s best you know how to keep your property safe for them before the unthinkable happens.

Avoid houses with steep stairs and if there are stairs, make sure the railings are safe and in place. Yards can also be hazardous to children. Keep fencing in mind and if there are any problems that could hinder safety. You shouldn’t have to worry if your safety problems can be easily fixed. If not, it’s best to steer clear of the house.

In the end, everyone wants a safe, comfortable, and happy home. The rules are not that much different for a large family than for a small one, things just come in bigger sizes and there are more numbers to factor in. Consider all your options and work with a good realtor that understands the needs of your large family. Consider residential homes and homes that could also be built to your specifications. Lastly, make sure you and your family enjoy the hunt!

Brooke Chaplan

By Brooke Chaplan
who is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home and residing in Los Lunas, New Mexico.

Member since October, 2019
View all the articles of Brooke Chaplan.

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