close up shot of woman washing hands in sink
  • How to Monitor Your Home’s Water Usage to Help You Save More

Featured Image Caption: Close Up Shot of Woman Washing Hands in Sink

Most homes waste large amounts of water every day, whether they know it or not. As we progress as a society, we all have a responsibility to conserve resources, and it starts at home. Furthermore, water waste leads to expensive water bills. If you suspect a leak, you should monitor your water usage. Learn how to monitor your home’s water usage to help you save more.

Use a Water Usage Monitor

If you get water from your local municipality, you have a water meter on your property. Most of the time, you will find the water meter on the side of your house. Some companies, like WaterSignal, know that the water meter records water use so that the city can bill you accordingly. However, getting a water usage monitor can help show you in real-time how much water you are using. You can see the amount of water you’ve used throughout the day by looking at the analog display on the water usage monitor in the morning and then later again at night.

Read and Compare Water Bills

Your water meter indicates how much water you use in a day. However, it may not provide a full picture of your home’s water consumption. For a more detailed report, read your water bill. Look to see if daily usage appears to increase significantly from the beginning of the month to the end of the month. Furthermore, check the bill from the month before to compare usage. This can be a great way to help you learn how you and your family can save water. If you can save water, you save money, which is always a good thing. Comparing your water bills against each other is a great way to go about this.

Get a Smart Water Heater

Your water heater delivers hot water to the different fixtures in your home. A large portion of water consumption comes from hot showers and hot water used in plumbing appliances, such as your washing machine and dishwasher. A smart water heater records hot water usage, making it easy to see if reducing your shower time made an impact on your consumption. This is a great idea, a smart water heater can help with so many various things in your home. A tankless water heater is an even better option.

Get a Plumbing Inspection

Sometimes, high water consumption isn’t a result of long showers and excessive laundry but the plumbing itself. If you have a leak, even a pinhole leak, it will increase your water usage. Small leaks eventually turn into big leaks, so you should fix leaks immediately. If you suspect a leak, get a professional plumbing inspection. A plumber has the tools and knowledge to find leaks and fix them.

Stay on top of your home’s water consumption by monitoring it yourself. You can always read your water bill when it comes next month, but that won’t give you the information in real-time. Consider a smart water heater and get regular plumbing inspections.

Anita Ginsburg

By Anita Ginsburg
who is a freelance writer and residing in Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. She recommends choosing a reliable lateral flow test assembly kitting provider for sterile diagnostic tests.

Member since July, 2019
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