flow meter
  • List of The Best Practices for Calibrating your Flow Meter

Featured Image Caption: Flow Meter

Flow meters are special instruments used to measure the flow of liquids. These devices measure gases, liquids, or steam that is passing over a pipe or a tube. Always make sure to control the flow of liquids passing through the tube using these meters. If the flow is too low or too high, it will make the meter not work well.

Flow meters are used in many applications. They are used to get accurate flow measurements. Flow meters come in different types, and their functions are different as well. Industries like medicine, mining, wastewater, and agriculture use meters to find the flow rate.

Most meters are affected by dirt, and their performance becomes low due to wear. These meters need regular checking. To get accurate results, you should always adjust your meter. Here are some of the best practices for calibrating your meter.

Calibration Standards

The correct analysis of the meter depends on an accurate level. It means that the adjustment has to be more accurate than the meter. According to the industry levels, the rule of calibration has to be four times accurate than the meter being tested. The rule, however, may change depending on some needs of testing.

The cost is also important to know when you want to have accurate calibration. The cost is related to the wideness and amount of tests being recorded. The differential meters are the ones being used to get these data points. The cost related to the calibration of the meter is;

  • The removal
  • Transportation
  • And replacing the meter.

The costs are high depending on the location of the meter. Equipment that has a meter tucked into the downstream and upstream has lower costs. The cost is around $5000 to $75000.


Traceability is one of the best and needed practices of meter calibration. It helps to find the levels as per which the meter is adjusted. Make sure that the levels used to calibrate your flow meter are traceable and should be known by the industry as well. Doing this will help you to verify the calibration system and fix the meter well.

During the traceability process, the readings of your meter are compared to the levels. The comparison is usually made under monitored laboratory conditions. The levels that are usually used for comparison are commonly traceable to the nation and global industry analysis.

Rate of Flow

It is always a rule that the flow rate between a meter and the calibrator be in line. The calibration readings are operated in real-time depending on the flow obtained from the flow meter. They should be stable for you to get an accurate reading.

Also, make sure you understand well the properties of gas and liquids that you are measuring. The fluid’s features may affect the meter and the flow measurements. That is why you should understand these properties well.

Consistent Measuring

Other than rating calibration methods, the flow meter needs to be looked into. It is to make sure that there are no issues that may affect the accuracy. A skilled service provider can ensure that the right measurement procedures are followed. They will also make sure that the risks are recorded, and traceability levels met.

The lab will as well control the changing temperatures that can affect the meter. Make sure that experts always test your meters. Doing this will help you always to get accurate measurements. It will also help you to avoid unnecessary costs.


The liquid flow’s energy distribution as it gets into the meter can affect how the meter works. Any meter fitting aims to provide the best possible pipe conditions. The manufacturers will always give you help with meter installation. You should always follow the instructions given to you by the experts for the best results.

It is always important to use long and straight pipes when measuring the flow of liquids. It will help you to get accurate measurements. Also, make sure that the installation is as close as possible. If the installation is large enough to mask the calibration, make sure, you reproduce the plant condition during the lab calibration.

Fluid Properties

Knowing the properties of fluids is essential in giving useful calibration data. The relationship between the meter and the fluid is affected by several factors. These factors are;

  • The water temperature
  • Density
  • Pressure
  • And conductivity of the liquid.

The Reynolds number is usually found on the thickness and energy of the meter through the meter. Generally, meter calibration should be done using the fluid’s properties that are close to real operating conditions. Always know that the wrong use of liquid properties during calibration may lead to several mistakes. So, always make sure you understand the properties of the fluids for proper calibration.

Risks of Inaccurate Calibration

The dangers that come with meter calibration vary depending on the type of flow meter. There are two risks that come with inaccurate calibration. First, the meter may give high readings, which can destroy the image of the company because the output may be tricking customers.

Secondly, if it is reading low measurements, the buyer will not buy the meter. It means that the company may get losses. So, make sure to avoid these risks by seeking help from the sellers. They will be happy to help you.


Flow meters should always be taken good care of for accurate readings. Always make sure that your meter is well calibrated using the above practices. If you fail to calibrate your meter often, you will get the wrong measurements. Also, make sure always to seek advice from the manufacturers for the best results.

Naman Modi

By Naman Modi
who is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at Proteus Industries Inc. He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

Member since April, 2019
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