flow measurement working principle
  • Effective Working Technologies of Flow Measurement

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A flow meter or sensor is a device used to measure the sense of linear and nonlinear liquids and gases flow. Water flow measurement meters come in many types and sizes based on the plant or field they are used in. For these reasons, the user needs to look into some useful factors before buying a flow meter. Some of these factors include the type of liquid or gas the flow meter will measure, how it’s set up, calibration needed, the skills required to use the flow meter, and many other factors.

In this post, we will look at how flow meters work while pointing out a few flow meters used in various sectors. Read along for more about fluids measurement meters.

One of the common mistakes users make is choosing the wrong type of flow meter for applications just because it is cheap. When doing this, they forget that the cost of fluid waste and maintenance will be higher than the price of proper meters and set up in the long run. To help you get the best of flow meters, we will explain how flow meters work.

The First Step to Choosing Proper Flow Meters

Before choosing which water flow measurement meter to buy, the user needs to know if the flow rate needs to be totalized or continuous. It is also crucial to find out whether the flow rate info is needed remotely or locally. In case the data is needed remotely, the user also needs to factor in the transmission method, which could be analog, digital, or shared. If it’s a shared transmission, the user also needs to know the frequency data update required. Once the user finds the answers to all these questions, he will be able to make the right choice when buying a flow meter that is going to be working well.

Fluid and Flow Characteristics

Another aspect that determines how flow meters work is the characteristics of the fluid. These include the fluid temp, pressure, density, viscosity, and many others. Howtoxicorsafe a liquid is also falling under features. Therefore, the user has to know this when choosing a flow meter. There has to be detailed data that shows the fluid’s presence of bubbles and composition.

The Fluid Temperature & Pressure Ranges

When picking a useful flow meter, the user must know the min and max pressure and temp values needed. Data on whether the flow can reverse, develop slug, pulsation, or aeration should also be provided to help pick the right fluids measurement meter. The user should even know whether sudden temperature changes are expected. Information of whether the safety precautions should be observed while maintaining or cleaning the system should also be known.

Types of Flow Meters

Now that we know what should be considered before choosing a flow meter, let’s now look at the various flow meters and their applications.

Mechanical Flow Meters

mechanical flow meters

Mechanical Flow Meters

These types of flow meters are commonly used in many industries. They are also cost-effective since they are easy to install and maintain. When measuring flow, these flowmeters use propellers, paddle wheels, or turbine rotation with shunts. To get the flow rate of any liquid using mechanical flow meters, the liquid’s speed flowing through a pipe has to be measured. The force of the flowing fluids rotates the turbine or piston. The rotational speed of the blades is directly proportional to the volumetric flow rate of the water. One setback of using mechanical flow meters is that if used with dirty liquids with particles, they may clog the meters. This leads to high maintenance costs. These flow meters also don’t work well when the liquid’s flow pressure is low.

Vortex Flow Meters

vortex flow meters

Vortex Flow Meters

These water flow measurement meters measure the flow rate of liquids using vortices shed from a sensor. The sensor is immersed in the flow. They are proper meters to use in open channel flow on non-streamlined flows such as streams. When fluids flow through an obstruction, they create “swirls,” which are also called vortices. There is a sensor in vortex flowmeters that produces a frequency output when each vortex flows passes. The volumetric flow rate is directly proportional to the frequency output. There are multivariable vortex flowmeters that use one process connection to measure up to five process variables. These variables include pressure, temperature, mass flow, volumetric flow rate, and density.

Magnetic Flow Meter

magnetic flow meters

Magnetic Flow Meters

In magnetic flow meters, the flow rate of liquids is measured using a magnetic field generated from the liquid’s speed passing through the pipe. Such meters use the principle of Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction. The fluid’s velocity flowing through the line creates a voltage directly proportional to the flowing water. Such flow meters cannot measure pure water since it doesn’t have ions to measure.


The user intends to use the fluids measurement meter for will determine which type of flow meter the user is going to buy. Accuracy when flow rates of liquids are achieved when using the right kind of flow meter. The flow meter also needs to be set up correctly to produce effective results. Remember, don’t choose a flow meter just because it is cheap, but it will give you accurate and useful readings.

Naman Modi

By Naman Modi
who is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at Proteus Industries Inc. He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

Member since April, 2019
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