types of carnation flowers
  • Most Popular Carnation Flower Varieties by Color

  • Published By:
  • Category: Gifts & Flowers
  • Published Date: February 11, 2021
  • Modified Date: February 11, 2021
  • Reading Time: 6 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Types of Carnation Flowers

Carnations are one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. These flowers are used on different occasions. As a gift for your loved ones, carnations are the best. It is a highly loved flowering plant used in landscapes and home gardens. They can be used as a cut plant or a beautiful bouquet due to their many beautiful colors.

are among the oldest flowers, which are loved due to their sweet smell. They are also referred to as clove pink and originated from the Mediterranean region. Carnations were mostly used by Greeks and Romans back in the days to decorate their houses. Carnations are widely available in different beautiful shades.

Carnation Flower Meaning

Carnations are beautiful flowers like roses. They come in different colors that have different meanings. The general meaning of carnation is fascination and a mother’s love. They are the best gifts to honor your mother during Mother’s Day Celebrations or her birthday.

Pink carnations are a symbol of a mother’s love. They can also represent gratitude. The red color of carnation is also popular. It is used to show different meanings. The light red ones symbolize admiration and friendship. White carnations also mean pure love and good luck.

Most couples use carnations to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. They are beautiful and are mixed with any other flower arrangement to make a perfect bouquet. These flowers will make the best gifts for any occasion, and so, you should always go for these flowers.

The Most Popular Flower Varieties by Color

Carnations are short-term perennials that mostly bloom for a few years, like three to four. They come in different sizes and shapes. The following are some of the most popular types of carnations;

White Carnations

white carnations

White Carnations

The white carnations symbolize pure love and affection. If you want to show someone that you love them, send them these flowers. These carnation flower varieties are lovely, and their smell is sweet. Anyone would love these beautiful blooms. They are widely available, and they carry a message of prosperity.

They are the best gift to celebrate a birthday or any other occasion. They make the best gift for your loved ones. Giving them these flowers will make them feel loved and appreciated. Floristan White is one of the most popular white types of carnation. This flower produces a large white bloom with green petals. They are also long-lasting.

Red Carnation Varieties

red carnations

Red Carnations

Red carnations are a symbol of deep love and affections. These are the best gifts for your soul mate because they are beautiful and smell good. The most popular variety of carnation is Laced Romeo. It has double red flowers with stems. They are pretty and are readily available all year round.

Another loved variety is the Garden Spice Red. This flower comes in small, fancy, and red double flowers that produce flowers for a long time. They have a sweet smell and add a good touch to your bouquet. These beautiful types would make the best gift for your loved ones.

Pink Carnation Flower Varieties

pink carnations

Pink Carnations

The pink carnations represent the mother’s love. They are the best gifts for your mother on Mother’s Day celebrations. They are also known to represent thanks. If you want to show appreciation to someone, these are the perfect flowers.

Grenadine pink carnations are deep pink flowers that attract butterflies. Their scent is sweet and can last for a long time. Peach Delight is also another popular variety of carnation flowers. This plant makes beautiful flowers that are peach-colored at first but turn pink as time goes by. Many flowers will grow per stem, and they are lovely.

Yellow Carnation Flower Varieties

yellow carnations

Yellow Carnations

The yellow carnations are mostly linked with feelings of disappointments and rejection. But this flower has beautiful flowers which can be noticed from afar. A mixed arrangement of yellow carnations would make a beautiful gift for your loved ones.

The most known carnation types are the Clarion and The Golden Sun Carnations. Clarion has double yellow flowers and grey or silver foliage. The Golden Sun variety are the best cut flowers. They have to boast long stems and lovely large yellow flowers that smell like a glove. These flowers are pretty, and anyone would enjoy them. You can as well use them for décor purposes.

What to Look for When Buying Carnations

Carnations are one of the most beautiful and popular flowers in the world. They can be used on many occasions and are also the perfect gifts for the people you love. Always make sure you are careful when selecting carnation flowers to buy.

Make sure you check the storage conditions before you opt for carnations. If the carnations have not been stored well, it may cause the buds not to open. Every time you buy fresh carnations, make sure you choose the ones that are still in buds. These flowers will fully open in a day or so. Also, make sure you seek advice from the best florists. They have experience in flower types, and they will lead you to the best carnation variety.

Tips for Caring Carnation Flowers

Carnations are known to last long. For them to be long lasting here are some of the things you should do;

  • Make sure you put the carnations in a clean vase that has clean water.
  • Please treat them with available ant-ethylene products for then to last long
  • Keep the flower away from direct sunlight to avoid withering.
  • Always handle the flowers head with care because they can pop off easily.


Carnation flowers come in different varieties. These types are widely used on different occasions. It would help if you always went for these flowers because they never disappoint. Anyone would enjoy having them as gifts. Also, you should know the meaning behind every carnation type. Knowing this will help you to always go for the right color.

Naman Modi

By Naman Modi
who is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at Cosmea Gardens. He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

Member since April, 2019
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