beautiful romantic flowers
  • Romantic Flower Baskets You Should Give to Your Spouse

Featured Image Caption: Beautiful Romantic Flowers

Being in love is a beautiful thing that needs to be expressed with actions, not only words. That is why many people who fall in love send out gifts to their loved ones to express their undying love. The best gifts to give to your better half or girlfriend are flowers. Flower baskets are considered to be romantic gifts in most parts of the world. However, not all flowers you pick from a florist or order online are romantic. To help pick the right romantic flowers, we have listed lovely and beautiful flowers that you can impress your loved one with. Continue reading to be inspired.

As you go within this list of the most romantic flowers, know that you can order any type of flowers from Cosmea Gardens and have them delivered to your home while very fresh and on time.

A Basket of Orchids

Orchids are romantic flowers that come in many different hues. They are also exotic flowers. If you want to show your loved one just how much you missed her in this period, sending orchids will pass the message vividly. After fading away after blooming, they can rebloom again with proper care and attention. They usually undergo what is known as a resting period for a couple of days. Then, you can send them to your spouse in a basket or as a bouquet. These exotic flowers symbolize many things, including wealth, prosperity, fullness, and luxury; sending these flowers in a basket while completing it with a bottle of wine will ignite a passionate heat in your partner’s heart. You can also include them as flower arrangements in your wedding. Orchids also convey luck, love, and hope.

A Basket of Tulips

Love needs to be reciprocated once expressed. When the person you have fallen in love with feels the same way, it is the best feeling in the world. If you have seen your soulmate and you just can’t hide what you are feeling inside, express your undying emotions by sending her a basket of tulip flowers. Coming second after rose flowers, tulips are popularly known to be the second most romantic flowers. The bulbous flowers are available in many colors, such as red, pink, yellow, white, orange, and purple. While sending red tulips shows that you are deeply in love, sending pink ones means that you want to take your friendship to the level. Tulips also look beautiful when presented in a basket, whether as stand-alone blooms or a mixture of other beautiful romantic flowers. You can send them to your spouse as anniversary flowers or just to tell her how much you miss her. Tulips are spring flowers that bloom for only a week. To get the most out of these lovely blooms, try ordering them from Cosmea Gardens.

A Rose Flower Basket

Although we in this list of most romantic flower roses are third, they are the most romantic flowers. And if you want to understand just how romantic and popular they are, look at how they are bought during Valentine’s Day. These classic blooms are timeless and have never faded away since immemorial. Although they are available in many different hues, the red and deep red rose blooms convey passionate love. If you’ve just met abs you want to take things a notch higher, send a basket of pink roses to suggest it.


You can also send carnations as romantic flowers to tell that beautiful girl you have a crush on what you feel for her. Red ones are the best if you have been going out for a while now. To send a message of pure love, white carnations are appropriate hues. Pink ones convey admiration, making them perfect flowers to send to your spouse.


Without love, life would be meaningless. That is what keeps up on our feet every day. Expressing love needs special gifts like these . Make your floral gift even more romantic by arranging them perfectly in a basket, or you can simply order romantic flowers from Cosmea Gardens for the best, fresh flowers.

Naman Modi

By Naman Modi
who is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at Cosmea Gardens. He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

Member since April, 2019
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