trans siberian railway trip
  • Proper Etiquette When On Board A Train

Featured Image Caption: Trans Siberian Railway Trip

Whether you know them or you don’t, there are a set of rules when it comes to what’s expected of someone on the train. Train etiquette is not often thought about until someone breaks it. You smell something strong and pungent waft up your nose as someone opens up a box of hot food next to you. Maybe you turn around to hear someone blaring loud music from their phone.

If you are going on any epic journey and want to get clued up on what’s hot and what’s not on the railroad, this article is for you. This is especially the case if you are going on a long journey such as a Trans Siberian railway trip. Due to it crossing several countries and many cultural changes, it may be wise to consider what’s expected of travelling customers.

There is nothing major but knowing some of the do’s and don’ts to train travel can get you in the zone. Follow them and you will make friends, not enemies.

Etiquette For The Railway

There are many differing opinions when it comes down to etiquette in general let alone on the train. When it comes down to the unspoken rules, we have rounded up a few of the most popular rules so you can get a good idea of what’s expected.

  • Be careful of your luggage

When the train is crowded, large backpacks and suitcases can prove to be an obstruction. Be aware of the space and if you can, try to put your luggage underneath the seat or in between the legs. This way you are not intruding on anyone’s space or taking up more room than necessary. Putting it in the centre of the aisle is a definite no-no as you may have guessed. Bulky items are best kept out of sight and tucked away.

  • Keep loud conversations to a minimum

Whilst you’re laughing your head off, someone else is trying to read the newspaper or complete a crossword puzzle. It’s considerate to try and keep your conversations as quiet as possible. Other people enjoy their space and peace during the commute and might have had a stressful day.

  • Avoid public grooming

Personal grooming should be kept to a general minimum. This means putting on a full face of make-up is generally annoying to others and is considered to be something that should be done in private. If you are tight for time, it’s generally okay to do a top-up or add some lipstick but try not to go overboard.

  • Keep strong smelling food for outside

If you are eating a hot, steamy meal, you should consider the smell factor. It might smell delicious to you as you are eating it but to others it can be quite unpleasant. Also, any loud foods such as crisps should be kept to a minimum if you find you’re a noisy eater.

  • Check the headphone level

Listening to music is great whilst travelling but not everyone wants to hear it. Make sure the sound level isn’t too overbearing not only for your own hearing but for others.

When it comes to the rules, it’s all objective but taking on board the generalised etiquette will ensure you have a smooth train journey.

Disclaimer: This article is published in partnership of Mediabuzzer.

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