self control importance
  • Self Control and Why is It Important?

  • Published By:
  • Category: Mental Stress
  • Published Date: May 13, 2019
  • Modified Date: May 12, 2020
  • Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Self Control Importance


Self-control is normally used to define a favorable personality trait in people. But what is self-control and why is it crucial? This article will share some self-control tips and how you can pass them to your kid. Self-control is a battle between doing what’s beneficial or right and impulsivity. It is the ability to control behaviors, impulses or emotions to attain a greater goal.

A major example of self-control is when people are trying to stick to their New Year’s resolutions and lose weight. It can be very daunting to refuse some dinner or lunch, but those who have self-control can resist such temptations because they understand that they have a long-term goal to achieve.

Why Is Self- Control Crucial?

This is a self-explanatory question, but let’s examines it thoughtfully. Is self-control really essential or should we enjoy the current moment and forget about future outcomes? Besides failing to achieve long-term goals, there are other problems
caused by lack of self-control.

People who don’t have self-control act through impulsive behaviors and emotions as well. This makes them to make poor decisions that harm them or others and react negatively when they don’t achieve what they want.

For instance when a kid wants something and the parent says no. Often, the first reaction would be to behave impulsively. Kids are still learning how to respond positively and regulate their emotions when things don’t go as they expect.

The same applies to people of all ages. Self-control is a crucial skill because any person will have the same emotions when they feel that their desires or needs are not satisfied. However, a person who doesn’t have self-control will respond in various ways including with unhealthy coping mechanism, anger or physical violence.

A person who doesn’t have self-control is prone to unethical decisions, anger and instability. There is more to self-control, in that it defines whether a person is successful in careers and relationships or not.

The Link between Empathy and Self-Control

Researchers have found out that the same part of the brain that regulates both self-control and empathy. This part of the brain is known as the right temporoparietal junction. Various studies were carried out by different researchers to establish that there is a link between empathy and self-control through the temporoparietal junction.

Golden Secrets of Self-Control

If self-control is essential, what can you do to develop it? Here are three useful tips on how to start your self-control journey:


Meditation and prayer are incredible ways of helping you readjust your thought patterns. Taking time to meditate or pray is an excellent way of refocusing your mind and allowing it to calm down if something is frustrating you. Instead of being frustrated by something, let your requests be known to God. Let your supplications and prayers be known to your maker.

Get adequate sleep

That may sound strange, right? But several studies have established that lack of sleep can cause serious self-control issues. Make sure that you are obtaining enough snooze time each night (6-8hours daily).

Make a Ritual

Performing certain rituals can help to address the problem of self-control in certain groups. For instance, a recent study showed that women who performed certain rituals consumed few calories and ate less fats or sugars.

Anna Kucirkova

By Anna Kucirkova
who is a copywriter over 4 years and loves traveling.

Member since August, 2018
View all the articles of Anna Kucirkova.

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