broccoli health benefit
  • Sulforaphane in Broccoli – New game Changer in Fighting Cancer

Featured Image Caption: Broccoli Health Benefit

Early research suggests that sulforaphane could damage cancer cells.  A pill that harnesses a chemical in broccoli has proved to be effective in treating cancer

Brocccoli, yet to be tasty to eat, it has been proved to be healthy for your body. Scientists have developed a new pill from broccoli that has been proved effective in fighting cancer. This pill fights against cancer in three major ways – reduces the chance of striking, slow down its  growth and restricts to spread further.According to Dr Stephen Franklin, chief executive of drug company Evgen, sulforaphane, a naturally producing but highly unstable compound available in broccoli and other vegetables has anti cancer and neuroprotective properties that helps fight cancer.

Sulforaphane is available in vegetables of the brassica family, including cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage but is present in particularly high levels in broccoli. People however, need to consume at least 5.5lb of broccoli every day in order to get a therapeutic dose.

He further addressed that Sulforadex technology for the first time deciphers the commercial potential of sulforaphane through the creation of a patented, stabilized version which can be rendered as a tablet or capsule. These tests are further planned on 50 breast cancer patients in Manchester. Proved to be a great game changer, this pill reduces the chance of getting cancer and deliberately slows down its growth. As sulforaphane kills both cancer cells and cancer stem cells which accelerate the metastatic disease, the researchers believe that it represents the next major step in cancer therapy.

Evgen has planned to rise up to £20million in order to help fund studies with 50 patients suffering from breast cancer at The Christie Hospital in Manchester, 90 brain hemorrhage patients in Southampton and prostate cancer sufferers in the US.

It will be a major and tedious step taken forward towards cancer treatment in order to stop metastatic disease and restrict the disease returning back.

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