tips for first time parents
  • Things to do after First Baby to Stay Fit and Fine for First Time Parents

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It is not a secret that 70% of moms gain weight after giving a birth to children. The main thing is not to bother and have some patience. As a rule, most women come back during a year and breast-feeding is not an enemy here but a partner in fight for gracefulness.

Anyway, if you have decided to take good care of yourself, specialists advice not to push it and not to forget about common sense. 1-2 kilograms a month are going to be just fine for a breast-feeding mom.

Striving for the way you looked before you got a baby; keep in mind the condition of your skin and hair. As a rule, having a baby effects skin and hair in the first place, which is why healthy eating and less harsh physical trainings would be better to combine with procedures on self-care.

Choose a complex approach and follow simple advice to reach a maximal result in a very short time.

1. Healthy products for gracefulness and full breast-feeding

While breast-feeding, a mom should not be on any strict and mono diets. It will influence quality and quantity of breast milk. Prefer useful products, it will help to come back with no harm for a baby. Dieting experts recommend an hourly dieting pattern making each portion size smaller, increasing the number of food taking. Breast-feeding moms get along well with diets having limitations, split meals and calorie calculation. Ask a doctor for an advice cannot hurt. S/he is to define a daily amounts. Roast lean meat, soups, cereals, spaghetti, roast vegetables, muscles, dried fruits, nuts, sugar free dairy products, bananas, baked apples are good. If you feel like having a dessert, have some curds with yogurt, maple syrup, dried fruits and do not even think of fast food. It is better not even try, not even a bite, which will make it to where it is easier to stay away from junk food.

2. Physical trainings in accordance with state of health and level of training

In case you to go in for sport before pregnancy and if labor went okay, you may go back to the gym in 3-4 months after labor doing exercises of average intensity. Yoga, pilates, shaping with succeeding transition to aerobics and callanetics. If your state of health or physical shape are in doubt, consult a gynaecologist or a doctor in a fitness center. Light aerobic activity is a compromise for busy mom or those who are not used to physical activity much. Sharp walk with a baby carriage or without it, 10-minute morning exercise or in the evenings. It is yours for the starting and the result will be seen in a week.

3. Problem areas – remove step by step

In order to get rid of a belly after labor, specialists recommend thinking about it beforehand. Flat stomach before pregnancy will help your figure to come back in a good shape. Whatever sporty a mom was before labor, during a month after it is worth to breath with diaphragm. It helps to lose weight and get your stomach flat. In addition, you will feel great during a day. Later, you can do abdominal crunches in three cycles: today it is 5 minutes for upper abdominal muscles, tomorrow it is 5 minutes for oblique abdominal muscles, the day after tomorrow – it is for lower abdominal muscles. As for sit-ups and grand battement jete are better to do every day. This is the only way you can shape your thighs.

4. Skin tone and hair nutrition

In order to pull up and smooth skin on your thighs and stomach, you may use grind coffee or sea salt for scrubbing adding some cream. Rub it in after taking a hot shower or a bath in circular motions easily paying special attention to problem areas. If your hair became tarnished and fall down, no panic. As a rule, it is connected with hormonal body rebuilding. You can make them stronger with the help of elementary measures such as burdock root oil extract, raw eggs or rye bread crumb before washing your hair.

Whatever procedure is spoken about, the main thing is regularity. Thus, every mom should spend at least a few minutes taking care after herself every day. Some procedures still require leaving home for fitness center or a beauty salon. If to express milk before going out, leaving a baby with his dad for an hour or two will do no harm. Besides, you may have no worries that your baby will refuse from breast-feeding afterwards.

Drink water. Water is life. Water is your beauty. A breast-feeding woman needs water and tea. 3-4 liters every 2 hours. You will most likely feel like drinking this much yourself.

You should believe you can do it. Pregnancy teach a woman to feel her body better, gives an understanding what miracles it is capable on. Comparing to creating life, losing weight is not that much of a problem. All you need to do is to just help a little bit to your body. Nature is wise and what is good for you, is good for your baby too and helps to come back in shape in shorter period of time.

Do yourself well because you deserve it. Have patience and think positively. Every child is happy to see his or her mom happy and good-looking, let alone men!

By the way, there is most likely a few tricks on nutrition, exercising or refreshing cosmetic procedures each of us, women, hides in the sleeve. Let us share with each other!

Melisa Marzett

By Melisa Marzett
who is an expert in writing, writing is her area of expertise. Working currently at Royal Essay Editing Services, she provides with excellent articles on different topics. In her free time, she does reading and going for sports and enjoys life in general.

Member since November, 2017
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