halitosis causes and treatments
  • What is Halitosis? Causes, Remedies & Treatments

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Halitosis or bad breath is a dental problem caused by the bacteria build up in the mouth. Poor oral hygiene is responsible for allowing bacteria to grow inside our oral cavity causing a foul smell. This problem may not be downright risk but if it persists, there might be dental problems in future. That aside, people with bad breath often face embarrassment while talking to someone. The good thing however is, halitosis is entirely preventable if you identify the problem timely and seek remedy for it.

Halitosis Causes

Bad breath is a problem brought about the bacteria we allow to grow inside our mouth. With good oral hygiene, we could easily get rid of the problem and lead a confident life.

Here are some of major causes of bad breath –

  • Lack of oral hygiene making plaque bacteria develop around the gum line or around the back of tongue
  • Bad breath may also be result of the dietary choices we make
  • Eating too much of sugary and acidic foods and not rinsing the mouth afterwards can make the breath stink
  • Smoking may also lead to bad breath
  • Using tobacco in any form is a guaranteed way to make your breath stink
  • Certain foods like garlic and onions may cause bad breath as well but of temporary nature
  • Dry mouth can cause your breath to smell foul as lack of saliva often allows food particles and plaque and bacteria to stock up
  • Not drinking enough water through the day can cause bad breath as you allow plaque to stick around your teeth

Bad Breath Remedies

Bad breath is preventable with regular oral care. You can take care of your oral cavity and let the stinking breath go away over time.

Some of remedies may include –

  • Be regular with brushing, flossing and rinsing as nothing else can do as much magic as your oral care can
  • Use an anti-microbial and anti-bacterial mouthwash to fight bacteria and germs causing bad breath
  • Reduce the intake of tea and coffee; also cut back on alcoholic drinks, sugary items and acidic juices
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated
  • Chew sugarless gum and help in more saliva production
  • Floss daily to take out foods stuck between your teeth
  • Clean your tongue to not let bacteria grow
  • Brush slowly yet thoroughly for 2 to 3 minutes per session

Bad Breath Treatment

Superior oral care does the trick when bad breath is self-inflicted problem. In some cases, however, it may occur due to some underlying health issues and this is where treatment is needed.

  • See a doctor for checkup if oral problems are responsible for the bad breath
  • Your bad breath may also be a result of diabetes, respiratory tract infections, or kidney problems and you thus need their treatment
  • Your dentist may also recommend an antimicrobial rinse to help fight off bacteria and deliver permanent solution
  • You can also consult a dentist good at dental crowns Manhattan so that you can know the options with tooth loss

By Sawoni Chowdhury
who is an aficionado of writing and an expert writer/blogger who shares her views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Lifestyle, Entertainment etc. She works for dental crowns Manhattan area.

Member since August, 2017
View all the articles of Sawoni Chowdhury.

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