screw pile pier
  • Why Would You Choose Screw Pile Suppliers Melbourne?

  • Published By:
  • Category: Real Estate
  • Published Date: February 25, 2021
  • Modified Date: June 12, 2021
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Screw Pile Pier

Alexander Mitchell, an Irish builder, was introduced the screw pile foundation. During 1780-1868, cast iron screw piles were used throughout the UK, and such screw piles were mostly used for the lighthouse foundation. Afterwards, small helical screw piles were introduced for the modern hydraulic equipment. Nowadays, most of the screw piles are designed with solid bard or tubular shafts, and you can find two to three layers of helices on these screw piles. They can offer complete protection from aggressive soils.

What are the advantages of screw pile installation?

Screw pile foundations are used in different industries, and you can find such screw piles in road construction, rail and telecommunication industry. You need to spend a huge time and cost of installing the concrete foundation. It has to be of the best quality to ensure longevity and sturdy. And hence, you must choose the best screw pile suppliers Melbourne. Apart from that, a smaller number of machines and labours are required for screw pile installation, and you can reduce the carbon emission rate by choosing the best screw pipe suppliers Melbourne.

You can also install screw pile foundations on your existing structures, and you do not need to spend any additional amount for the demolition job. Even, if you do not need such screw pile foundations in the future, you can remove them from your structure. It will create additional protection and give proper support to your concrete structures.

Reasons for installing screw pile foundations:

  • Saves time and money – Screw pile suppliers can save your cost and time. They can provide readymade screw piles for your construction business, and you can easily finish your project before the deadline.
  • Cost-effective solution – You do not need to dig the ground and remove the soil for installing screw piles. You can save your project cost in different ways. For example, you do not need to pay waste landfill clearing cost, and you do not need to hire any demolition services. Screw piles can save the environment from contamination of soil.
  • Ease of installation – Another factor that makes screw piles useful is that they are easy to install, you don’t need to cut through concrete, and hence your work sites remain clean and free from any debris.
  • Environment friendly – There will be no vibration, and you can save complete your construction project peacefully. Vibration generated during the installation of a concrete structure can disturb your neighbours and it will create some health hazards for your labours. You can choose the best screw pile suppliers Melbourne to save your labours and neighbours. Minimum amounts of noise will be generated during such installations and you can also reduce the emission of carbon footprint.

If you are working on a soft ground where the water table is available at the underneath area, then you must use screw piles for your construction. You can also install such screw piles on your existing structures.

In addition to those mentioned above ahead, you can install screw pile foundations faster than concrete foundations. They have better compression and tension capacity. Also, they can be installed in any weather, so your work doesn’t get affected. Moreover, if you want to make a temporary structure, you can choose the best screw pile suppliers Melbourne. You can use them in limited access areas, and you can remove such structure whenever you need.


To choose the best screw pile suppliers Melbourne, you can search them online. Make sure you must check their reviews, experience level and products before you choose. Make sure that you choose a supplier who can guarantee quality products.

Kiera Peterson

By Kiera Peterson
who is residing in Australia.

Member since February, 2020
View all the articles of Kiera Peterson.

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