angry african businessman arguing about bad financial contract
  • Why You Would Need a Workers Comp Attorney

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Ideally, any work-related injury that you sustain will be minor, and benefits will be distributed without any questions asked so you can get back to work as quickly as possible. However, not every situation is flawless or cut and dried. There are injuries you could sustain that would permanently put you out of the job, or any job, and as a result, drastically change how you live your life. There are also times when you should receive compensation and, for one reason or another, you don’t. Both of these examples are reasons to turn to legal representation that can fight for what you’re owed.

For contested claims or those that are more complicated in nature, you may be wondering if it is worth hiring an attorney, and just how much his or her assistance will cost you. That said, if any of the following situations apply to you, you really should look to a workers’ compensation lawyer for help with your claim.

Your Claim is Delayed or Denied Outright

Did you know that all workers’ comp claim denials can be timely appealed? It’s true. There are processes in place to protect employees who have their claims denied, even when they should have gone through, and those options are available to everyone. Hiring a workers comp attorney to guide you through these proceedings and other legal remedies will allow you to get the money that you deserve when you need it.

You Cannot Work for an Extended Period of Time Due to Severe Injury

Long-term and permanent injuries can cost employees significant money when it comes to treatments, medications, and other medical bills. On top of that could be the possible expenses that come from adjusting their life to permanent injuries, such as modifications to their living situations, medications they’ll be stuck taking for the rest of their life, or surgeries meant to try and remedy at least some of the situation. Insurance companies representing employers are sure to fight for a reduction in benefits so they are not on the hook for such sky-high costs. During your recovery, the last thing you should be worried about is how you’re going to pay to return your life to the level of quality it was once at. This is where a workers comp attorney can fight for what you’re owed on your behalf. This would leave you with time to focus on your injuries and the recovery process.

Your Employer Denies Responsibility for your Injury

If your employer refuses to accept that your injury or illness occurred in the workplace or due to the duties of your job, you will have a difficult time making a claim. It’s also in their best interest to deny responsibility since they don’t want to have to face the consequences of either their actions or inactions when it comes to how your workplace is run. However, with a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney on your side, he or she can easily establish a link between your medical issues and your employment. This link is crucial to prove to the board in order for you to get the compensation that you are due as quickly as possible.

In conclusion, though it is your decision whether to hire a lawyer or not, it is a fact that workers’ compensation laws can be complex and tricky at times. Having a qualified attorney on your side can bring you peace of mind and reassurance that everything that can be done, will be done, so you will get your benefits in no time. This means that you can focus your efforts on recovery from your injury or illness, which is best for you and your loved ones.

By Kara Masterson
who is a freelance writer from Utah. She graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

Member since April, 2021
View all the articles of Kara Masterson.

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