business manufacturing ideas
  • 4 Business Manufacturing Ideas and Techniques for Greater Yields

  • Published By:
  • Category: Market Updates
  • Published Date: October 24, 2019
  • Modified Date: May 11, 2020
  • Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Business Manufacturing Ideas

Being a business owner means focusing on moving your business forward every day. Part of expansion is being able to increase your manufacturing yields regularly.

Here are four of our best tips for hitting those higher yield numbers soon.

  • Upgrade Existing Equipment

One of the biggest headaches for any business is deciding when to upgrade equipment. Many times, a simple look at the price of the newest line of equipment is enough to cower you away from considering it. However, you must take a wide perspective of the situation. Take some time to determine how much your yields could increase if you were to utilize newer equipment that speeds up your production time. It’s likely that the increased yield will pay for the equipment upgrade many times over. While updating every piece of equipment isn’t always financially feasible, you should be upgrading to more efficient equipment regularly.

  • Evaluate Your Processes

It’s no surprise that operation efficiency at many plants is sitting around 60 percent of what it could be. Many businesses have employees who are fighting fires instead of adding value to the production process. It will pay off big dividends to spend some time looking over your production process. Identify key areas where there is a sheer lack of efficiency. Talk with employees at that part of the production process and ask for ways to improve efficiency in that area. We’re sure you will find multiple areas in your production process where you can eliminate certain steps or simply move supplies closer to employees for better overall efficiency.

  • Regular Maintenance

We have to include this idea because so many businesses focus on eliminating downtime by skipping over regular maintenance tasks. However, when you are not performing regular maintenance on your equipment, your equipment will inevitably break down. Then, you’ll be rushing around trying to fix the piece of equipment to get up and running. To keep your yields steady, you simply should be employing regularly scheduled maintenance. Be sure to purchase rotary shaft seals, lubricant, and other common components that can be easily replaced on a regular basis to ensure no unexpected downtime happens.

  • Monitor Your Downtime Sources

Take some time to evaluate what your top five causes of downtime are. This may seem like a simple solution, but many businesses simply overlook it. This will allow you to clearly see what your biggest problems and weaknesses are so that you can determine a solution. You may find that a major cause of downtime is a lack of supplies. This can be remedied by stocking more supplies, stocking them more often, or even changing to a more reliable vendor. When you know what the issue is, you can start to come up with a clear solution to fix it.

Obtaining greater yields from your production facility is possible. The above are just four ways that you can work to improve your efficiency. We’re sure once you get started implementing these ideas, you will come up with many more actions to take in the future.

Anita Ginsburg

By Anita Ginsburg
who is a freelance writer and residing in Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn’t writing. When looking into repairing a cracked and painful tooth, she recommends looking into dental crowns.

Member since July, 2019
View all the articles of Anita Ginsburg.

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