branding clarity and brand logo
  • Brand Clarity is not About the Colors or the Logo

Featured Image Caption: Brand Clarity, Brand Colors & Brand Logo

Brand clarity has to do with being more clear with your potential clients about who you are and what you do, restructuring your products, services and prices. Brand clarity gives you many benefits to your business and therefore you should always keep it in mind.

What Does Brand Clarity Offer You?

Basically, what brand clarity offers you is a clearer perspective on who you are and what you do, something that is easy for your potential clients to understand. It also gives you a simple marketing process that matches your most desired target audience for your offers.

It also gives you the ability to find new customers or customers more quickly and reject those are not good options for your company.

Does Brand Clarity Really Help Your Business?

Brand clarity means being clear about who you are, why you are in this business and why you are interested in positioning yourself in a better position in the market. It has nothing to do with logos, colors and web design; all this comes later.

Brand clarity means that you understand who you are as a person, in your daily life, you inform and feed the brand you show to everyone. Understand this and plan keeping in mind the personal impact of the business as a great impact in the long term.

If you have been talking about a diffuse brand for your clients and potential clients, changing your business so that it reflects what it represents, can mean a change, as well as a positive transformation of your business.

Signs That Your Brand is Diffuse and not Clear

When your business is new, it may be difficult to stand out from those who offer the same products or services. The reason for this has to do with the fact that your business lacks clarity at that time. Everyone tends to attract customers based on our own personalities as well as our experience.

The truth is that people do not really care about their credence in the online world as much as they care about the way you make them feel. The same applies, although to a lesser extent, in an offline business. Even if a business offers excellent service, if the owner’s personality is not good, that business will lose both customers and money.

Also for those who have an established business, they can have a diffuse brand. It is even possible that the brand has changed over the years or they are offering slightly different products and services to customers.

In any case, the signs that your business does not have brand clarity include:

  • Falling in sales or losing customers to the competition.
  • Experience changes in the company that have an impact on the way your business is perceived and what your company offers.
  • Have new products that the audience does not know.

Does your brand have any of these symptoms? If so, it is time to reflect and design an improvement strategy.

Devoo Banna

By Devoo Banna
who is Managing Director and Editor of Digital Marketing Trends and Xbox Bideos. He is #OnlineMarketingEnthusiast #GoogleAdWordsCertified #SocialMediaAddict – Modern Marketer!

Member since December, 2017
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