how does homework affect students health
  • Do You Know the Impacts of Homework to A Child’s Growth?

  • Published By:
  • Category: Education
  • Published Date: February 1, 2019
  • Modified Date: May 12, 2020
  • Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: How Does Homework Affect Students Health

Tones and tones of homework, that is every child’s nightmare when it comes to school. But in the long run, it is the one thing that brings together students, teachers and parents alike. What we ought to understand about this is how much is too much? Are we crossing boundaries with our children in the name of helping?

Many people have their opinions about this matter. It all calls for the understanding of what the allocation of homework really stands for. Let’s break it down, shall we?

Why homework?

Most of the students don’t understand why homework has to be part of the ongoing syllabus when they can have all the lessons in class. To some extent, we can listen to this. But let’s not forget that it is through homework that students master what is taught in class and learn to apply it.

It also has a part to play in bringing up children and youths who are diligent and dedicated in what they do. Homework also goes ahead to nurture the skills of problem solving which is an added advantage to the person as they grow up.

It is through homework that independence is cultured in our children. They get to understand that the world doesn’t function always with mass movement. Sometimes you have to get things done alone. Let’s not forget the time management skills from being able to manage all the multiple assignments.

Is homework a necessity?

Scientific researches have been done and conclusion made on the necessity of the assignments. The amount of assignment to which the child is subjected to should decrease with decreasing age.

Younger children should be given easy and light assignments that takes short period of time especially the physical parts. With age, they will lean more to reading and pursuit other activities as well. Two hours of homework is the maximum time a high school student should have.

Homework should generally fit into the schedule and not be too much. The conclusions made from the studies suggests that the benefits of homework are not shared worldwide and our approach to it maybe what is causing the limitations. As much as there are valuable lessons to pick, not every child can pick them and sometimes harm is caused on a larger scale.

The other side of fun

When it comes to homework, it doesn’t matter how much the workload is, children will always have negative views about it. It is not all about avoiding that extra load of work. Let us take this approach from an adult point of view; imagine how you always have your day, busy and exhausting.

Then you come home at the end of the day after such a hectic day, you are hungry tired and maybe easily irritable. You just want to eat sleep, take a cool shower and rest for the whole year. But then, you remember you have some office work you have been assigned to do for the night. That is exactly the child’s position.

After seven or so hours in school, they come back home only to be remembered of the homework that is due the next day. And you wonder why they are moody and hate the mention of the word school, especially with those parents that have to force the children to finish.

Finally, let’s talk lack of rest. You can’t expect children to be in school for eight hours, spend two hours or more on homework while at home, wake up early to prepare for school and still have enough rest all through the five days of the week. Let’s not mention the participation in co-curricular activities.

Alfie john, an author of 14 books on education can agree with us on the negative implication of homework to the children. It creates tension between children and any chances of learning and school. Homework doesn’t give them time for their interests, it doesn’t allow children to be children.

A different approach

Different schools are beginning to come up with ways in which to cope with the growing anxiety in children over homework. Some have eliminated homework and instead replaced with the need for children to read with their parents for at least 20 minutes while others encouraged at-home reading.

Some school have given their middle and high school students the option to larger projects at home if necessary. It has come to the understanding of the many schools that elimination of too much homework enables children to be part of the family, to explore their interest and having ample rest. This approach to a child’s lifestyle ensures that they develop a healthy and well-rounded personality.


The bottom line of all this is that to allow a student to have pursue other interests other than being just a student in class. That is not to say that we disregard homework completely. Have a schedule of like 10-20 minutes per night that is as per the needs. Let’s find the balance.

Anna Kucirkova

By Anna Kucirkova
who is a copywriter over 4 years and loves traveling.

Member since August, 2018
View all the articles of Anna Kucirkova.

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