corporate culture
  • How Businesses Can Incorporate Employee Recognition Into Their Work Culture

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‘An employee’s commitment and loyalty towards the business tends to increase when the higher management and business owners thank and express their appreciation for an employee’s service.’

The above has been stated by the Forbes Human Resources Council. The same report states that businesses should strive to ensure that their employees are given credit, recognition, and awards at regular intervals.

Modern workplaces are sordid with tales of employees not being able to strike and a work-life balance. Working for fourteen to sixteen hours at a stretch, and not having any other form of contact with the outside world can lead to alienation in employees.

This is the precise reason why HR experts suggest that businesses should invest in employee recognition awards and programs. In this article, we are going to help businesses incorporate employee recognition into their work culture.

List of 5 Ways Businesses can Incorporate Employee Recognition into their Work Culture

1. Make Employees Feel Valued and know about their Goals –

As a business organization, it is important that the managers of teams know everything going on in the lives of their team members. This should include professional goals and commitments, where they see themselves in three to five years, and how they plan on getting there.

If you want to foster that kind of a culture where business managers are also aware of personal issues and challenges, then you can definitely go ahead and create such a culture. At the end of the day, employees want to be seen, heard, valued, and asked about how they are.

2. Direct Praises on the floor of the Office –

Yes, they work; and No, they do not make employees complacent. Businesses should start by doing two major things-

  • Giving negative feedback on a face-to-face basis just with the employee themselves and in a secure place where others are not present.
  • Being generous with direct praises on the floor of the office, and making sure that others have heard about the appreciation.

Cumulatively taken, both the above have extraordinary implications for raising and boosting employee morale, dedication, and commitment.

3. Regular and Periodic Recognition Awards –

While for you as the business owner, recognition might not amount to much, for an employee slogging away fifteen hours a day, the same is all they need to work even harder. A simple, well thought out, and properly worded award trophy can be the biggest source of encouragement.

As a business, you need to show commitment to the cause of employee awards at regular intervals. If the employees see that the higher management is pulling out all stops to host the perfect event, they too will start to feel motivated in their work.

4. Integrate Recognition-based little rewards into Company Culture –

Have you heard about small congratulatory poker chips being given to employees who have done well? Or, a plaque or a board on the wall, that carries the name and image of the best employee? All these are small things, but they carry significant meanings.

If you are looking to build a strong culture around employee recognition, these small gestures can go a long way in celebrating a culture that holds employees in a position of central importance within an organization.

5. Show Appreciation during Meetings –

One of the many ways that businesses can look to incorporate a company of employee recognition, is by according appreciation during meetings. Many experts suggest that meetings can be started with a show of appreciation for participants, which have done well.

This has the chance of making them feel much more valued and paying far more attention o the meeting that they normally would have. Experts also say that holding events like Feedback Fridays ensures that employees feel that they have a two-way channel of communication with the business and its management.

The Final Word

By adopting the five points mentioned above, businesses can hope to incorporate employee recognition into their work culture. It is high time that businesses understand and acknowledge the role played by employees in making the business a success.

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