how to get rid of ants at home
  • How Can Domestic Ants Harm Your Home and Tips to Get Rid Of Them

  • Published By:
  • Category: Home Remodeling
  • Published Date: August 28, 2020
  • Modified Date: August 28, 2020
  • Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: How to Get Rid of Ants at Home

Ants are common in houses. Some people find the sight of ants very disturbing while for some, they are not of great danger.

We want to let you know that ants can cause great damage, not to your home but also your health. If you don’t find ants dangerous, learn about their dangers today so that you understand why preventing ants is important.

You must be well aware of the potential damage that termites can cause to your health and house. But you will be surprised to know the extent of potential damage ants can cause to your house. As terminates are a great threat to woody items of furniture, similarly, ants are dangerous for your furniture. Carpenter ants are best known for causing damage to the home furniture. They can literally destroy your wood structures in a short period.

For instance, a carpenter ant will make nests in your furniture, hollow areas and moist wood. Though they don’t eat the wood, they can destroy the furniture by making tunnels in it.

Besides your house, ants can also destroy your health. Every type of ant is capable of biting. An ant bite can cause itching, pain and discomfort. If ignored, such irritation can lead to infections too. You will be surprised to know that some ants can sting us too. The stings are way more painful and dangerous as compared to the bites. For example, a fire ant stings and injects venom that can be life-threatening.

How to Locate Carpenter Ants?

The worst part, it is very difficult to figure out if the carpenter ant is attacking your home. You can’t find the exact amount of damage they have caused up til now. That’s because they make tunnels that remain hidden in walls, windows, doors, door frames, beds, desks, tables, chairs, and ceilings. Moist wood and hollow areas are ideal places where carpenter ants attack.

Now the question is how to figure out if your furniture has carpenter ant? Here you need to put your observation skills in work. Observe the furniture; do you see wood shavings pilling up under your furniture? Yes, your furniture is fighting carpenter ants! In addition to that, if you notice unusual light rustling through the walls or any other corner of your house, there must be carpenter ants activity!

Moreover, if you see more than one ant, count it as a sign of an infestation.

How to Differentiate a Carpenter Ant?

Carpenter ant’s colour is dark black. Their size varies from ¼ to ½ inch in length. That’s how you can differentiate them from usual ants.

Prevent your home from any further damage by scheduling a consultation with your pest control team today. If your house has already suffered a great loss due to carpenter ants, please look for professional home builders in Wollongong. They will help you in maintaining a healthy and safe home.

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1 Comment

  1. Afton Jackson

    It’s quite alarming to read that carpenter ants can do damage to your house without you even realizing it. This makes me a little anxious about the black ants I’ve been finding near my shed recently as they are considerably larger than any ant species I’ve ever seen. I’ll play it safe and look for a pest control expert in the area that can help me exterminate them before they cause any damage to my house.

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