marketing campaign
  • How To Reduce Email Unsubscribe Rate?

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5 Practical ways to outreach your Marketing Campaign

Essentially, outreach marketing means using email validation to build relationships with influencers, bloggers, businesses and journalists. These relationships can boost sales, improve marketing, and also allow you to get passive web traffic and reach new audiences. The growth in unsubscribe rates is constantly in the minds of email marketers.

Frequently, they keep looking for ways to reduce the unsubscribe rate, but how can you do this when users opt-out of emails? Although it’s easy to fret that your email list may not please everyone, you have to accept that there will be some depreciation every year. However, once the list begins to grow out of control due to unsubscribes, it’s time to put the brakes on it.

There’s no denying that unsubscribes are a huge bummer. Sure, you should process your list regularly, but you can’t help but wonder what you could have done differently to save some of those subscribers. It’s worth considering now whether your email marketing strategy incorporates some of these aspects and tracking their impact on unsubscribe rates.

The purpose of this article is to provide you with some tips to reduce the churn rate in your email list. Though it is an essential part of any business model, it has the potential to significantly improve the unsubscribe rate.

Let’s get started.

1. Send emails with the right frequency

Emails can be annoying in several ways. Maybe you send too frequent emails with no real pattern. Maybe you send a few emails this week, but none for a few weeks. These kinds of erratic behavior give people a reason to unsubscribe.

The trick to reducing email unsubscribe rates is to be consistent with your posting frequency and to do email validation. If you want to receive more email subscribers, you should determine what frequency is right for your business and customer base. Then keep to a consistent schedule.

Consistency is key. It’s important to keep your word if you said you’d send one email a week. When you ask for someone’s e-mail address, they’re trusting you to do right by it. Make sure not to bombard them with endless emails promoting your business.

If you do not have time to make these daily updates, then you should probably be promising weekly updates. If you promise weekly email updates, and do not have time to make them, then you may want to consider sending bi-weekly emails.

2. Care about personalization

The majority of marketers state that targeted personalization improves customer engagement and that customized emails offer 5X higher conversion rates.

Personalized emails can help your company stand out in a field full of billions of emails. To increase your personalization, write emails as if you’re communicating with one person. What would the conversation feel like if you were talking with your favorite customer?

There are several tools avaiable to atuomate the personalization process. With the help of these tools, you can take advantage of visitor names and email addresses to add to your mailing list and then personalize your email marketing campaigns and create subscriber targeted campaigns on your site too.

3. Segment your email list

It is possible to dramatically improve your email marketing by using email segmentation. Segmentation ensures that you send exactly the relevant, custom content to your subscribers.

The key to email marketing success is personalisation. If you understand what your customers are interested in, you can create emails that speak directly to their interests and give them what they need. The more specific your segments are, the more effective your emails will be.

Keeping your email list segmented is the best way to ensure that your messages are delivered to the correct recipients. Segment your list by age, location, gender, activities, etc., and then target those appropriate segments. More specific segments provide you with the ability to deliver content directly tailored to their interests, so you become a permanent fixture in their inbox.

4. Elaborate on the content

When you map your email content to your list segments, you’ll be able to tailor the content to each subscriber’s stage in the buying cycle, ensuring all emails are as relevant as possible, which means fewer unsubscribes due to inappropriate content.

Your subscribers will stop reading if you keep rehashing well-known information. For this reason, you need to deliver high-quality, unique content. The best way to keep subscribers is to deliver content that is worth reading and good enough that people are willing to pay for it.

Make sure your content is elaborated so your users or customers do not become bored while reading. Just get to the point immediately. Make sure your call to action and important words and phrases appear on top of the page so it’s all easily accessible.

5. Combine single opt-ins and double opt-ins

Use double opt-ins to reduce unsubscribe rates and make sure that your emails don’t contain junk in the form of irrelevant subscribers. Email validation is one of the best ways to prevent unsubscribes.

In a double opt-in, visitors submit their email addresses and must confirm them. Therefore, they receive an email to confirm their email address, and only then are they added to your list. A single opt-in, on the other hand, does not require email validation.

Just like with double opt-in, you should use a double opt-out unsubscribe option too. This does not unsubscribe users immediately. They see a confirmation message asking them whether they are sure not to receive emails. You can make an emotional argument here and make them stay.

6. Optimize your email for mobile

Almost half of all internet traffic originates from mobile devices. Your email marketing should be mobile-friendly as a result. It has never been easier to delete an email than now. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure your emails translate well.

If your email template does not look good on all devices, it could increase your unsubscribe rate. Make sure your template is optimised for all devices, otherwise it may result in an increase in your unsubscribe rate.

7. A/B Testing Subject Lines

As it stands, you’re ready to send out your email, but the subject line is staring blankly at you. It’s literally blank. You have no idea what to write to make the email open and be read rather than deleted.

In terms of the ideal subject line, we can tell you that statistically, the most engaging ones contain 3-5 words, 15-22 characters, 2-3 emojis, and are written in the title case. However, the best advice we can give is to write them like people write them.

The subject lines in emails should be creative while still keeping in mind the fact that they are not misleading and go well with the email content. Do not write click-bait headlines, as those might be effective initially but will not last long. There will be many unsubscribers after that.

Final Verdict:

Getting new subscribers is not an insurmountable challenge, but keeping them on your list over time is. If you succeed at that, you are on the right track.

In addition to the above-mentioned six ways to decrease email unsubscribe rates, ensure that your emails are optimized for smartphones as most people read their emails through their smartphones.

Anastasya Prach

By Anastasya Prach
– A professional blogger and outreach specialist behind Snov who specializes in email marketing.

Member since April, 2021
View all the articles of Anastasya Prach.

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1 Comment

  1. Philips

    Thank you for sharing this article on unsubscribe rate and using practical ways to outreach the marketing campaigns. You can even use EasySendy Pro for embedding the unsubscribe button in the email campaign.

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