start a beer brewing business
  • Melvin Brewing On How To Start Your Own Brewery Business

  • Published By:
  • Category: Market Updates
  • Published Date: September 12, 2020
  • Modified Date: September 12, 2020
  • Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Featured Image Caption: Start a Beer Brewing Business

One common thing that everyone in the brewing industry must be aware of is the information that is available about the brewing industry. One has to have all the information if one wishes to start with a brewpub or just breweries. If you are into the business then let me tell you that every business is going to encounter a new situation in the business.

As you know the Brewery industry is huge and many are already in the market with high competition. At this point in time, if you wish to land yourself in the business then you might end up becoming a failure. There are big giants like Melvin Brewing who are recognized all over the world. But you can start with your baby steps and just the correct steps. I will tell you the steps that you must take.

Things You Must Know

Starting up a brewery seems cool but it isn’t that cool, it needs a lot of technical stuff to be calculated in a proper way. As you know employees from all backgrounds can join the brewing industry. The qualification required to join the brewing industry is just majorly the passion for brew. But if you wish to start a brewery successfully, then you need to keep in mind certain rules such as,

Proper Flooring

Life in the brewery is really tough, hence the floor and the other things involved in a brewery must be made of really tough material so that the brewery remains eligible to carry on with today’s ruggedness. The flooring that is the best suit for flooring is that it should be non-porous, which should have no gaps in between. The flooring must also have antibacterial properties and also quite a lot of chemical resistance. The impact of the environment must be less on this kind of flooring and the floor must be good to function when it is dry or wet.

Sanitary Drainage

The very first and the basic step is to have the correct flooring, while the second step is to mend the drainage system and make it better. In a brewery, a clean and clear drainage system is needed. There are different types of brewery floor drains that you may use spot-drains, grated trench-drains, or slot drains. Among the different types of drainage systems, I would like to recommend the best one that you can take is slot drains. The slot drains are most appropriate for breweries and it is also very cost-effective.

In breweries, the spilling of brewery is very common which also causes easy flow on the ground. Hence having a safe floor and good sanitation would keep your brewery clean as well as save some lives of your employees. Slot drains are like thin lines that let the liquid flow easily there is no hard grate that has to be removed or handled by hand. Slot drains can also be driven by equipment without making any damage to the property. Slot drains are stainless and they tend to keep themselves cleaner than any other drainage system.

Experienced Brewer

Another thing that might help you to run your brewery, an experienced brewer is needed to run your breweries. A good team of brewers can make your breweries interesting and making your customers. Hence you should look for the best brewer for your company.


Here, I would like, to conclude, that if you are planning to open a brewery then you must keep yourself very aware. You would obviously need some experience but the information is also good enough to sustain yourself in the brewery industry. I would like to tell you that you need to be very careful.

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